University of Virginia Library


Kentucky Derby: I need a ride to
the Roses. Call Larry 295-3874.

Wanted - ironing to do in home -
Call Mrs. Massie - will work out
price with you. 295-3546.

WANTED - Ride to Hartford,
Conn. or New England tis weekend.
Will share expenses. Don 295-2438.

We support JIM MATTHEWS for
Student Council: Ed, Herb, &
Marie, The Virginian.

Camera Center: Studio - Passports
& identifications - 913 W. Main -

Summer Job! Manufacturer's
representative to sell highly
exclusive seasonal decorations.
Lucrative commission basis.
Applicant to be from
Georgie-Florida area. Call 296-7541
or 296-3306 for appt.

Are you interested in taking French
36 (Literature) this summer? Trying
to get students to warrant class.
Call Ben Lambert 293-4107.

Returning single grad student
desires summer sublet apt. or
house, a country location desirable.
Contact: R. Fleing, Oxford
University Press, 200 Madison Ave.
N.Y.C. 10016.

Typing Wanted at home - Thesis.
Dissertations, Law Papers, etc.
Papers Proofread after typed.
Telephone: 973-6053.

Clean up the "U" - Put "Scrubby"
MATTHEWS on Student Council.
Students for Matthew Committee.

1 support Jim Matthews for
Student Council: Henry, The White