University of Virginia Library


Want to petition for "Vietnam
Disengagement Act"? Information
in Student Council offices.

Dedicated Anti-draft Activities
coordinator needed. Come by
Student council offices Mon.
afternoon, if interested.

COME - A.J. Priest. Unitarian
Church, Rugby at Edgewood. Sun,
March 14, 11 a.m.

Make $ as Campus rep. for various
commercial enterprises.
Information in Student Council

Stage Band- perm changed to 7:30
every Sun. in Old Cabell band room
295-7642 for info.

Contemporary Worship - 5:00
Sundays - St. Mark's Ivy and
Alderman Roads. Discussion of
SUPERSTAR next 4 weeks.

Action '71: Speaker, Chip Grange -
5:30 - transportation from Mem.
Gym Lot.