University of Virginia Library



Polo - from your tailgate - vs
Oxridge - Sunday at 2:30 -
Farmington Hunt Club, Garth

Student Open House 9-12 PM
Rapport and refreshments. Study
space available if desired. Thomas
Jefferson Mem. Unitarian church.
Rugby Rd. Edgewood Lane.

Engineer's Club Business meeting
at 8:00 PM, Room 125. All invited.
Alpha Chi Sigma meeting at 7:30
PM at 111 Montebello Circle.

SLAVIC Club reorganization and
planning meeting in 4-B Newcomb
Hall, 8:00 PM.

UNION of University students
meeting 8:00 PM at 301 Wilson

Folk Dance meeting 8:00 PM 4-C
Newcomb Hall

LAW and Grad YR Executive
Board meeting, 5:30 PM, Law
school, room 307.

University Union Thursday film
series presents "In the Heat of the
Night," in Newcomb Hall ballroom
at 7:00 PM and 9:30 PM. Fee:

STUDENT Education Ass. meeting
today at 4:30 South meeting room,
Newcomb Hall, all invited
refreshments served.

JOINT Colloquium — National
Radio Astronomy Observatory and
Dept. of Astronomy, UVA, Prof. J.
Mayo Greenberg, State University
of New York. "Interstellar
Particles", 4:00 PM NRAO
Charlottesville Auditorium,
Edgemont Road.

GOVT—and—Foreign affairs grad
students, Important Ass. meeting
8:00 PM, Graduate Lounge.

RHODES Scholarships Comm. will
interview candidates at 7:00 PM in
the library of the Colonnade Club.
Applicants should file forms with
J.J. Murray, Room 2Gilmer Hall
prior to the meeting.

INTERESTED in Computers? An
organizational meeting of the
University's student chapter of the
Ass. for Computing machinery will
be held today at 5:30 in B-23
Gilmer Hall.

EXPERIMENTAL U' Courses meet:
Self-analysis upstairs, Wesley
Foundation; and the U. and the
counter culture, downstairs Wesley.
Becoming will not meet tonight.

CHEERLEADERS - There is an
imp. meeting 5:00 PM, in Alumni
Hall, Date tickets Carolina game to
be discussed.


HILLEL Foundation: Friday
Evening Dell-Dinner, 6:00 PM,
Phone 295-4963 for reservations.
Friday evening service at 6:45 PM

SIGMA XI Luncheon meeting,
speaker: L.T. Rader, Chairman,
Electrical Engineering Dept. 1:00
PM, Parlor A Newcomb Hall.


AT the Prism — Friday Marcia Day
and Steve Reynolds. Saturday,
Phyllis Knight — Original and cont.
Cover $.50. Open 8:00 PM Wed.

WASP, hornet and yellow jacket
colonies needed for research. Call
Dr. Jeanne, 924-7110 for removal.

See Polo vs. Oxridge from your
tailgate. Sunday 2:30 Farmington
Arena, on Garth Road.

interested in competitive gym.
circus performance or hand
balancing come down to Mem.
GYM Mon.-Fri. 4-6 PM Beginning
instruction to advanced coaching

Organizations Dept. wishing to use
the limited meeting space available
in Newcomb Hall are requested to
make your reservations for space
with the Newcomb Hall Director's
Office before announcing meeting