University of Virginia Library


EXHIBITION of works of
Ronald Fowler given for patrons of
the Miser through March 14, Minor
Hall lobby. Many pieces in oil, ink
and pencil for sale.

STUDENTS needed to socialize
with psychiatric patients at Western
State Hospital. Teams go 2-6 p.m.
Tuesday through Saturday. Help
especially needed Wednesday. Call
P. deVries, 924-3193 or 295-3032.

PRISM presents Friday and
Saturday The Original Cast of
12,000. Seventy-five cents, doors
open at 8, show at 9:15.

ANYONE interested in becoming
a Varsity baseball manager
contact Jim McGraw, 295-8306.

Graduate," Dustin Hoffman, at 7
and 9 p.m. Seventy-five cents,
Newcomb Hall.

ALPHA MU chapter of Delta
Sigma Pi announces the pledging of
Raymond Britt Jr., Douglass Duchal,
Steven Lewis, Philip McManus,
John Miller Jr., and Bryant Orrock.

STUDENT Council is willing to
minority views on any subject
and has been arranging for the
representation of minority views.