University of Virginia Library



MONDAY evening supper meeting,
Baptist Student Center at 5:30.

GOVT. and foreign affairs assoc.
meeting at 8 p.m., Graduate
Lounge. All grad. and undergrad.
majors urged to attend.

A CONCERT and light show
featuring DREAMS of Fillmore
East fame, $1.50 per person, 8-10
p.m., Memorial Gym.

ALPHA Chi Sigma invites prospective
chemistry and chemical
engineers to rush smoker at 8 p.m.
at Delta Upsilon house.

HILLEL Foundation: Friday
evening dinner at 6 p.m. Call
295-4963 for reservations.

DISCUSSION with L. Kampf
(MIT) on the New University
Conference, an organization of
radical teachers. Informal Lounge,
N.H. at 2 p.m.

IMPORTANT meeting of all
concerned govt. and foreign affairs
majors in Grad. Lounge, West
Range at 8 p.m.

JEFFERSON Society presents
Dean David Shannon, speaking on
"On Being an Academic Dean" at 8
p.m. Candidates for presidency of
College will debate at 9:30.

the Jefferson Society: mandatory
meeting at 7 p.m. Bring dues.

"RELIGIOUS Obfuscation of
Spiritual Truth" lecture by R.
Akeroyd, of U. of Louisville.
Gilmer Hall Aud. at 8 p.m. Open to


IFC meeting at 7:30 in South
Lecture room, Governing Board
elections held.

THETA chapter of Alpha Phi
Omega nat. service frat. Open rush
smoker at 7 p.m. Jefferson Hall,
West Range. First, second and
third-year men invited.

PK GERMAN elections 9:30
South Meeting Room. Second year
members eligible to run for 6
offices. All members urged to


COLLEGE LIFE — meet in
Gym parking lot at 6 p.m. Sunday.
Speaker: Dan Smith, U. Law graduate.

UPWARD Bound volunteer tutors:
tutorials for Upward Bound
seniors only on Sat. at 10:10 a.m.,
248 Cabell.

PISTOL team practice for Quantico
match at 7 p.m. Friday and
Saturday. Attendance mandatory.

ANY STUDENT with accounting
ability interested in a job
auditing books of student.

THETA Delta Chi announces
the pledging of William P. Miller,
David R. Evans, Richard V. Lancaster,
Robert M. Rolfe.

Comm. in response to the many
requests is changing the time of the
second showing on Thursday
movies from 9 to 9:30. This change
will be effective March 13. Sunday
times will remain the same.

FESTIVAL of Spring on the
Lawn, March 21.

AT THE PRISM: Friday, Grammar
101, live rock from Norfolk.
Saturday, Phyllis Knight with Gary
Greenwood, Doors open at 8 p.m.,
shows start at 9:15. Seventy-five
cents Friday, fifty cents Saturday.