University of Virginia Library



LAW and Grad. Young Republicans
Executive Board meeting in
room C of Law School at 7 p.m.
General meeting at 7:30 p.m.

PANEL discussion "Is the Black
Revolution a Myth or a Reality?"
Distinguished panel, Gilmer Hall
Aud. at 8 p.m.

CHRISTIAN Science Org. meeting
at 7 p.m., 1961 Lewis Mtn. Rd.
Everyone welcome.

CAVALIER Bridge Club meeting
at 7:45 in contract cafeteria,
2nd floor of Newcomb Hall. For
info. call 295-4959.

PISTOL practice at 5 p.m.,
tonight only in Maury Hall.

CAVE Club meeting at 7:30 in
room 4C Newcomb Hall.

CIRCLE K meeting at 9 p.m. in
4A Newcomb Hall. Elections, important.

GUIDES - election meeting at
7:30 in South Meeting Room of
Newcomb Hall. Note change of
location. Members running for
office please contact Rawles Jones
at 296-2669 before the meeting.

SECOND-YEAR members of
the PK-German Dance Society
should pick up their pea for
Midwinters in a brief meeting at 4
p.m. in room 4B Newcomb Hall.
Plans for decorating the dance on
Saturday will be discussed.

AICHE meeting at 7:30 in
E312, J. O'Neill of Dring Milliken
Research will speak on the textile
industry and the chemical engineer.
All underclassmen interested in
joining please attend.

THERE WILL BE a meeting of
all second and third-year Echols
Scholars today at 5 p.m. in Cabell
Hall 138.


STUDENT Council needs help
in these areas: council comm.,
general assistants, a project pool of
students willing to work on a
temporary basis, special assts. willing
to help Council officers and
committee chairmen. If you can
help call 3454 and leave name,
number and special interest if any
or write Kevin Mannix, Student
Council, N.H.

UPWARD Bound volunteer tutors:
tutorials Saturday 10:10 a.m.,
248 Cabell Hall.

PRISM presents Mac and Wall of
D.C. on Friday and Saturday. Show
starts Friday at 10:30 and Saturday
at 9:15. Doors open at 8. Fifty

FIRST-YEAR Council meeting
Monday in South Meeting Room of
Newcomb Hall at 6 p.m.

ANY STUDENT wishing to take
part in Ash Wed.-Passover 70-day
fast in front of White House, see S.
Squire at Va. Mobe table (11:30-2)
2nd floor of Newcomb Hall, Mon.-Fri.,
or contact Chuck Wheeler at

THE FOLLOWING organizations
have mail at the Student
Govt. office in Newcomb Hall:
IMP, TILKA, 1st Yr. Comm., Skull
and Keys, Sceptre, Eli Banana,
Raven Society.

cocktail party at Beta House 7-9
Saturday. All members invited.

THE U. UNION's presentation
of "Don't Look Back," scheduled
for Feb. 8, was not shown due to
late arrival. However, because of
the interest expressed in the film, it
has been rescheduled for Sunday,
March 22, with an added short. The
film scheduled for that date,
"Lemonade Joe," will not be
shown. Const weekly posters. The
Union regrets any inconvenience

meeting changed to Monday, Feb.
16 at 7:30 in room 4A Newcomb

U.Va. Concert Band needs you.
Openings available in all categories.
For more info. contact conductor
Joel Lagar at ext. 3242 or
296-9310. Rehearsals Monday and
Thursday, 7-9, OCH 18.

CAVALIER Bridge Club has
mail in the Newcomb Hall Director's