University of Virginia Library


Part-time help wanted, Shakey's
Pizza Parlour, call 295-5193 9-5

Guitar player, drummer with
vocal ability need to complete
commercial rock band, Call
Ph 296-8494.

Student for spare time work
outdoors with owner in country.
Call 973-5884.

Lead/Rhythm guitarist is looking
to join local hard-rock group.
Call Dick at 296-0044.

Mother of 2 wants to care for
child during week. Prefer infant.
Call 293-4270.

Folk singer and/or musical trio
needed to audition The Library,
132 Emmet St., 295-2930.

Part-time stable and yard work.
293-6755 after 7.

2 bedroom apartment to share,
8 minutes in country from Rotunda.
Leave message at 293-4712.

Used saddle, call 973-6937 after
7 p.m.

Turntable AR Girrard Thorens
or equivalent turntable. Call
295-6427 8-11 p.m.

Soloist, Christian Science
Church, Call Mrs. Reid, 296-3202
after 5 p.m.