University of Virginia Library


One female roommate for the
summer to share with two other
girls. Will have private room and
bath. Jefferson Park area. For more
Information call 924-3684 or
296-8968 after 5 p.m.

Riders to Allentown-Bethlehem,
Pa. Leaving Friday morning. Call
David 293-9047.

Wanted — used furniture, chairs,
sofas, beds, dressers, lamps, etc.
Contact Chris 296-2732.

Wanted to buy: Aluminum
chaise lounge. Call 293-5430 after 5

Two roommates for apartment
next year. $35 a month. 295-4562.

Mathematician or Scientific
Associate full time position to assist
scientist engaged in basic research
in radio astronomy. Requires B.S.
or B.A. Degree or equivalent
experience, with strong math background.
Ideal for students or
faculty spouse. Call 296-3013 or
send resume of background and
salary requirements to: Personnel
Manager, National Radio Astronomy
Observatory, Edgemont Rd.,
Charlottesville, Va. 22901. An
Equal Opportunity Employer.

Help wanted: Earn $40-60
weekly showing new line of products
from California Corporation.
Ground floor opportunity. Part
time acceptable. Call 973-5192.