University of Virginia Library



1962 Rambler American, radio,
heater, new tires, economical transportation,
must sell, $150. Call

64 Triumph Sports 6, best offer.
Call 296-7695.

Firewood for sale, Call

65 Fiat, 17,000 miles, 40 miles
to gallon, sedan, $40. 2 desks one
Knotty pine, one painted. $25
each, 985-2276.

Fireplace wood. Kindling.
Cherry Avenue Gulf, call 293-5905
for delivery.

Mossberg semi-automatic 22
rifle, 16 slot fine condition, high
accuracy cleaning kit and shells
included $30 call Bill 295-1885.

1966 Rambler American. Standard.
34,000 miles. $700 or best
offer. Call 296-2077.

1967 MGB-GT, English racing
green. Low mileage, excellent condition.
Must sell, best offer.

1966 MGB, light blue, like new,
one owner, low mileage. Sacrifice.
All reasonable offers considered.
Call 293-2089.


All those who advertise in this
column have signed a statement
that the facilities advertised are
ones in which any responsible student
of the University will be allowed
to reside, regardless of race,
color, religion, or national origin.

Before signing your U.Va.
Housing contract: $40 REWARD
for any student, also female, who
will act as my substitute (must
vacate room) Call Alex 295-5477.

Room, three blocks to University,
available Jan. 1. $45 per
month, 295-3278.


Person to drive Alfa Romeo
from L.A. to U.Va. during semester
break. Call Brew Moseley c/o C.D.,
ext. 3388.

Roommate wanted 2nd semester.
Share 4 bedroom, early American
apt. with 3 Med students. Convenient.
293-4024 after 8 p.m.

Female roommate wanted, one
bedroom furnished apartment.
296-4820 after 5 p.m.


U.Va. key chain with gold ring
attached. Call Denny 295-9054.
Very important.

Sport Jacket and raincoat at Phi
Psi Saturday night. Wallet and identification.
A. Nelson, 295-9098.

To the gentleman who took my
slacks, shirts and wife's underwear
from Maury Washettee: If anything
doesn't fit please bring by 233
Monte Vista Ave.

Black Chesterfield taken from
Newcomb Hall Monday evening,
Dec. 16. Green Chesterfield left in
its place. For exchange contact
Donna Brown, Mary Munford,

Lost on Olympic Torch trip:
Yellow checked sports jacket, keys,
checkbook (Richard Fish) red tie,
tie clip (monogrammed F) Call
Richard Fish 296-1809.


Sip 'n Sizzle Restaurant across
from Sears, 1108 W. Main St.
Steaks from $0.99 up served with
baked potato, tossed salad.

Lazy-Eight Flying Club, Inc.
memberships open 2 aircraft,
Cessna 140 and Cessna 170,