University of Virginia Library


Quaint 3 bedroom house, summer
sublet, 2 doubles, 1 single,
basement, TV, 5 minute walk from
Cabell Hall, $150 per month.
977-8767. *(4111)

For summer sublet & lease option.
Two bedroom unfurnished
apartment near Barracks Road
Shopping, $160, after 5:00 –
977-4137. *(4134)

Close Summer Sublet on Chancellor
St. – bd furnished,
Low rent. Call Joyce 296-032.

Large 1 bedroom furnished apt.,
611 Rugby Rd. Sublet with option.
Air cond: with everything. $140.

Sublet, Preston Square. September
option. Luxury 2 BR/pool/AC.
$150 Negotiable. 977-1532

Air-conditioned, modern 3
bedroom duplex sub-let,
washer/dryer 1 bath 5 min walk
to University. Unbeatable. Rent
negotiable. 977-5248. *(4116)

Univ. Heights Summer Sublet –
June through Aug. 2 bed., Dn
furnished. Air cond. pool tennis
courts. Cable T.V. fifteen minutes
from University. Rent negotiable.
Call 977-6807. *(4121)

Cool, spacious 1 bedroom basement
apartment. 15th St., behind the
Corner. June-August, $90/month.
977-7271. *(4063)

Furnished Duplex – 2 bedroom.
3 miles from Univ. $170/month
for 2 students T.V. Cable. Avail
July or Sept. Call 295-7368.

Sum. Sublet, June 1, 3 B.R., 1½
baths, fully carpeted, A/C, pool,
Dishwash., Laundry, Cable T.V.
Rent negotiable. 978-8764 *(4131)

Summer Sublet Option for fall: 2
br., AC, cable, 10 min. from
Rotunda, laundry facilities, $185
negotiable. 977-3647. *f)

Garden Apt. sublet at Four
Seasons, air cond. Fully Equiped
kitchen. Available June 1–Aug. 31
with option to renew lease. Rent
Negotiable. Call Rich or Carl
973-6875. *(4013)

Sublet–Sept. option. Townhouse,
own bedroom, need 2 female
roommates. Summer rent
negotiable. Spacious, 977-1379.

Summering in C'-Ville? Enjoy our
two bedroom furnished apt behind
Munford. Fall option, $115/mo.
977-3778. *(4128)

2 bedroom duplex. Summer Sublet
– furnished. close to grounds –
$140 negotiable. 295-2896.

Univ. Heights. Summer Sublet.
B.R., 1 B.R. Furnished, pool, A.C.,
carpeted, dishwasher. $110/mo.
977-6526 *(4138)

Need to borrow: pr. of duelling
pistols and a hand-crank victrola.
Kathleen or Barbara 295-8531

2 BR summer sublet with fall
option – $125 – lower half of
brick rambler, cable, A/C, 1 mile.
977-0539. Evenings. *(4079)

Three bedroom – summer sublet
apartment, furnished, Washer-dryer
available. Three minutes from
University. Rent negotiable.
977-1351. *(4097)

Copeley Hills - summer sublet apt.,
air cond., TV, 1 bedroom,
$105/month – all util. included,
977-4787. *(4126)

5 minutes to Cabell, 2 bedrooms
summer sublet, lots of extras, all
utilities included for $100/month.
977-3931. *(4098)

Furnished summer sublet. On
Brandon Ave., a stone's hrow
from Cabell Hall or Hospital. Two
bedrooms, large yard, driveway.
977-0127 after 5. *(4082)

2 bedroom, furnished apt., summer
sublet, air cond., kitchen, across
street from Thornton Hall, Call
Paul, John, or Bryan 295-8592

2 bedroom, furnished, A/C, pool,
rent negotiable, Jeffersonian Apts.
977-0741. *(4090)

University Heights Apt summer
sublet two bedrooms air
conditioning, pool, automatic
dishwasher, make offer. 977-7126.

1 bedroom, furnished, summer
sublet, A.C., full kitchen, pool. Call
977-7149. *(4101)

Available now–Aug. 31, can renew
lease – fully furnished 1 bdrm apt.
1 block from the U. Call 295-9449.

U. Hgts May-Aug. sublease, 2 br
furnished, pool, air cond., rent
negotiable. Call 977-578. *(4071)

Mountainside Lodges –
(Furnished). Private, wooded area.
3½ miles south of town. Suitable
for 4-5 students. $300. Call
-2770. *(4062)

3 bedroom, Summer Sublet, 3 full
baths, dishwasher, cathedral
livingroom, A.C., pool, cable T.V.,
fireplace, 12 minute walk. Call
296-2951 *(4012)

Summer cottage sublet – 5 miles
out Barracks Road – July-Aug.,
swimming pool, true country living
but with all amenities. $140,
296-79. *(4056)

2 Br, kitchen, summer sublet, cable,
A/C, 1 block from -school. $135.
977-6715 *(4133)