University of Virginia Library


Remember Artisan Co-op ... We're
well, alive, and living on Elliewood
Avenue – Original arts and crafts.

Leather bags, belts, boots, etc. Leaf
& Niggle Leather Shop, 19-B
Elliewood Ave. under the Band

Try something different Saturday!
Visit the Oldies Stumper Party,
$.75, 9-1, in Newcomb Ballroom.

Chunky's Maneline is 296-6955.
Exclusive Dymaxion method hair
cuts only by telephone
appointment now through the
maneline: 296-6955. Always come
out ahead by supporting cottage
industry. This guarantees quality
control. Complete Custom hair:
Maneline 296-6955 for
Wash-Dymaxion-Dry: 8 bucks. This
is a state of readiness.

Charlottesville Attention Home is
offering a unique opportunity to
working and living as houseparents
with court referred boys for a
salary plus room and board. For
information, call Mrs. Shaw
295-6371 or Mr. McDonald

Motorcycle repair work done at our
leisure. Very reasonable rates,
Kevin 977-2921.

bumper stickers. Authentic.
Personal purchase at auction. Send
$5 (no cash, please) to K.L.
Mannix, Windermere, Rt. 1.

Economos "Only the Best" Men's
Hairstyles, Meadowbrook Shopping
Center, is the place for limitless
"Layer cuts", "shaggs", "New Page
Boy" or the conservative "Model
Cut". Functional Mobile Perfect
Geometric haircuts, your choice
regardless of length or style, 8
bucks, dial 293-8422. Are you
ready for the Country?

Flick tickets–$1.25 Assoc. of
Residential Councils–4th floor
Newcomb. Paramount Theatre
good for anything except road
shows. Even Skin Flicks.

Once upon a time (Nov. 18) in a
enchanted drugstore a prof
first year law student, bortio
authority, and "Jay" admir
chanced upon a fair Madison
maiden. Would that they should no
always remain nameless strangers
call 295-8277.

LSAT review course, taught b
attorneys, offering extensive 1
hour review course for Dec. 1
LSAT. December 9 & December 1
(9-12; 1:30-5:30), $75,
dissatisfied with results, fr
re-enrollment. For registration
further information, Call 295-648
after 10 p.m. weekdays o
weekends before 11 a.m. o
202-223-1835 any weekday.