University of Virginia Library

Feby. ye 22, 1679.

The weather suddenly changing from a warm Rain
and Mist to sharp, clear cold, the Trees a little way
from the house did last evening soe shine with a wonderful
brightness in the light of the Moon, now nigh
unto its full, that I was fain to go out upon the hill-top
to admire them. And truly it was no mean Sight to
behold every small twig becrusted with Ice, and glittering
famouslie like silver work or chrystal, as the
rayes of the Moon did strike upon them. Moreover,
the Earth was covered with frozen snow, smooth and


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hard like to Marble, through which the long rushes, the
hazles, and mulliens, and the dry blades of the grasses,
did stand up bravely bedight with Frost. And, looking
upward, there were the dark tops of the evergreen
Trees, such as hemlocks, pines, and spruces, starred
and bespangled, as if wetted with a great Rain of
molten chrystal. After admiring and marvelling at
this rare entertainment and show of Nature, I said it
did mind me of what the Spaniards and Portugals relate
of the great Incas of Guiana, who had a Garden
of Pleasure in the Isle of Puna, whither they were
wont to betake themselves when they would enjoy the
Air of the Sea, in which they had all manner of Herbs
and Flowers, and Trees curiously fashioned of gold
and silver, and so burnished that their exceeding
brightness did dazzle the eyes of the beholders.

“Nay,” said the worthy Mr. Mather, who did go
with us, “it should rather, methinks, call to mind what
the Revelator hath said of the Holy City. I never
look upon such a wonderful display of the natural
World without remembering the description of the
glory of that City which descended out of Heaven from
God, having the glory of God and her light like unto
a Stone most precious, even like unto a jasper stone,
clear as chrystal. And the building of the Wall of it
was of jasper, and the City was pure gold like unto


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clear glass. And the twelve Gates were twelve pearls,
every several gate was of one pearl, and the street of
the City was pure gold, as it were transparent glass

“There never was a King's palace lighted up and
adorned like this,” continued Mr. Mather, as we went
homewards. “It seemeth to be God's design to show
how that He can glorify himself in the work of His
hands, even at this Season of darkness and death, when
all things are sealed up, and there be no flowers, nor
leaves, nor running brooks, to speak of His goodness
and sing forth His praises. Truly hath it been said,
Great things doeth He, which we cannot comprehend.
For He saith to the Snow, Be thou on the earth; likewise
to the small rain and the great rain of his
strength. He sealeth up the hand of every man, that
all Men may know his work. Then the Beasts goe into
their dens, and they remain in their places. Out of
the South cometh the whirlwind, and cold out of the
North. By the breath of God is the Frost given, and
the breadth of the waters straitened