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The following resolution was adopted:

  • RESOLVED by The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that a Consortium for Continuing Higher Education in Northern Virginia resulting from an agreement between George Mason University, Northern Virginia Community College, the University of Virginia and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University as described on pages 517, 518, 519, and 520 of this document be and it is hereby approved.

The Consortium for Continuing Higher Education in Northern Virginia


The Consortium for Continuing Higher Education in Northern Virginia is the result of an inter-institutional cooperative agreement between George Mason University, Northern Virginia Community College, the University of Virginia, and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. The purpose of the Consortium shall be to provide coordinated high quality programs with maximum transferability of credit for those courses offered for credit in Northern Virginia by the four participating state-supported institutions. Those credit courses to be coordinated by the Consortium shall include all credit courses offered by the participating state-supported institutions which are: offered off-campus; offered on-campus primarily intended for adult, part-time, or continuing education students; or offered on-campus after 4:30 p.m.

This Consortium was developed as a response to Senate Joint Resolution No. 67 passed by the 1972 session of the General Assembly and in order to maximize the educational opportunities and provide needed programs and services for the citizens of Northern Virginia. Senate Joint Resolution No. 67 urges that institutions of higher education offering courses for continuing education in Northern Virginia "establish forthwith, subject to the approval of the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia, a consortium or cooperative center for continuing education with main offices at George Mason University. Said cooperative center, under the aegis of George Mason University, shall become operative July 1, 1972. . ."

Statement of Agreement

The state-supported institutions of higher education currently offering academic credit in Northern Virginia hereby agree to enter into an inter-institutional cooperative agreement to establish the Consortium for Continuing Higher Education in Northern Virginia. This Consortium is created in response to Senate Joint Resolution No. 67, passed by the 1972 session of the General Assembly, and in order to maximize educational opportunities and provide needed programs and services for the citizens of Northern Virginia. The Consortium has the following goals and objectives:

1. To provide maximum higher educational opportunities for the adult, part-time, or continuing education student of Northern Virginia.

2. To encourage mutual acceptance and interchangeability of course credits between participating institutions.

3. To facilitate the earning of degrees by adult, part-time, or continuing education students.

4. To make efficient and appropriate use of the resources of all institutions offering courses within the region.

5. To work cooperatively with the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia and other concerned state agencies to promote the systematic and coordinated growth of continuing higher education in Northern Virginia.

We agree that the Policies and Procedures for the Consortium for Continuing Higher Education in Northern Virginia shall be established by a Board of Directors. This Board shall consist of:

A. The president or his designated representative of each of the participating state-supported institutions.

B. A representative of the staff of the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia shall be an ex-officio member of the Board with voice but without vote.

The Chairman of the Board for the Consortium for Continuing Higher Education in Northern Virginia shall be the President of George Mason University or his designated representative.

The Board of Directors shall establish all Policies and Procedures necessary for the effective operation for the Consortium for Continuing Higher Education in Northern Virginia. These Policies and Procedures must be consonant with legislative requirements and the Policies and Procedures established by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia in the coordination of continuing education activities. The Board of Directors shall establish an advisory committee for continuing higher education with membership broadly representative of the Northern Virginia area.

Lorin A. Thompson George Mason University
Richard J. Ernst Northern Virginia Community College
Edgar F. Shannon, Jr. University of Virginia
T. Marshall Hahn, Jr. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University