The material culture of Pueblo Bonito | ||
Abraders, 86, 97, 118-124;
pls. 25, 26
Agriculture, 59, 60, 68
See also Farming
Alkali, black. See Sodium carbonate
Allen, Glover M., 65, 385
Canid remains from Pueblo Bonito
and Pueblo del Arroyo (Appendix
B), 385-387
Alluviation and erosion, alternating, 5, 6
Altar (?) fragments, 275, 276;
pl. 78
Altar-stick tassels (?), 272-275;
pl. 77
American Museum of Natural History,
viii, 27Amsden, Monroe, ix, 177, 180
Anderson, Capt. R. P., ix
Andesite. See Temper, pottery
Antelope, effigies of, 218
use of, for food and clothing, 64
Architecture, 19, 23, 30-36, 39-44, 46
doors, 41-44, 46;
pl. 8
Late Bonitian, 19, 30-32, 40-41
Old Bonitian, 19, 30-32, 40-41
post-and-mud walls, 30, 34, 40
slabs on end, 30
ties with north, 32-35
ties with south, 33-36
ventilators, 44, 46
wattled walls, 41
whitewash, 41
windows, 39
Arrowheads, 252, 253;
pls. 73, 74
See also Projectile points
Arrows, 252-253
Arroyo in Chaco Canyon, prehistoric,
3, 5, 13-14present, 3, 5, 9, 12, 52, 61
Arthritis, 68, 335
Awls, 66, 140-145;
pl. 33
Axes, 239-240;
pl. 70
Azurite, 102, 103, 285
Baake, William, xi
Balls, clay, on sticks, 294, 295
Ban, Cecil, ix
"Bark strippers," 146
Basket Maker times, 72, 174, 201, 265
Basket Maker village, 15, 137, 183
Baskets, bark, 172
bifurcated, 307-316;
pls. 85, 86, 87,
88, 92
burden (carrying), 171
clay-coated, 321
coiled, 22, 162-171, 306, 307, 321
conical, 170
cylindrical, 105, 166-171, 306, 307;
pls. 45, 84, 92
painted, 306, 321;
pl. 84
plaited, 159-162
ring, 159-161;
pls. 35, 40, 41
Basketry, 159-173
ceremonial, 306-324
coiled, 162-165
bowls, 162-165
cups, pl. 43
trays, elliptical, 165, 166, 306;
pl. 44
vessels, pl. 42
Beadmaking, 86-87, 108
Beads, bone, 107, 108, 109
clay, pl. 21
shell, 28, 83, 87-92;
pl. 21
stone, 90;
pl. 21
turquoise, 83-85;
pls. 9, 19, 22
Beal, Frank, 343, 347, 351
Beam Expeditions, viii
Beams, age of, iii
Bear effigies, 221;
pl. 66
Bear meat taboo, 65
Bear remains in Pueblo Bonito, 64, 65,
324Beds and bedding, 39, 50-51
Bells, copper, 109-115
Benavides, 64, 261
Benches, 47
Beyal, Hosteen, 5, 10, 58, 247, 343-347,
351-353;pl. 3
Bird bones, 263-267;
pl. 76
Bird effigies, 296, 297, 333
Bird feathers, 263-267
Black House. See Kinklizhin ruin
Blankets, cotton, 72, 73
feather, 72
rabbit-fur, 39, 72, 73
Blom, Frans, ix
Board ends, 156-157;
pl. 39
Bone implements, 139-152
Bone objects, 279-280
Bone scrapers. See Scrapers, bone
Bonitians, Old and Late, 38
Bottles, gourd, 159
Bowl handle, four-armed, 209
Bowls, basketry, 162-165
pottery, 22, 25, 175, 177, 189-200;
pls. 51-56, 58, 63, 69, 82
Bows, 248-251;
pls. 71, 72
Bracelets, shell, 94, 107
turquoise, 98;
pl. 22
Breazeale, J. F., 11, 59, 60
Bridge, Josiah, 129
Briggs, Lyman J., iv, 111
Bryan, Kirk, geological studies in
Chaco Canyon, iv, ix, xi, 5, 6, 13, 14Burial rooms, 26, 28, 191, 192, 254,
325-345Hyde Expedition, 337-342
Burials, human, miscellaneous, 336337;
pls. 91-100
infant, 336;
pl. 100
intramural, 325-342;
pls. 91-100
Calahan, Dolores, ix
Calcite, ornaments of, 101
Canid remains from Pueblo Bonito and
Pueblo del Arroyo (Appendix B),
385-389Canis species, 386-389.
Canteens, 159, 207-208;
pl. 65
Canyon del Muerto, 271, 320
Castañeda, 128-129
Cattlemen in Chaco Canyon, 5, 343
Celtlike object, hematite, 283
Chaco Canyon, vii
aboriginal occupancy of, 14-18, 29
arroyo in, 3, 5, 9, 12-14, 52, 61
Basket Maker village in, 15, 137,
183biota of, 2, 4, 10, 61, 64, 65, 140,
247, 266
Chaco Canyon, cattlemen in, 5, 343
description of, 1-2, 4, 67
discovery and exploration of, 6-9
erosion and alluviation in, 5, 13, 15
floodwater farming in, 52-56
forests in, 2, 3, 344
P1 pit house in, 15, 18, 33, 186, 205
small-house sites in, 15, 33
soil of, 12, 59-61
topographical survey of, ix
water resources of, 4, 9-12, 52, 59,
61, 344, 348water samples from, analysis of,
Chaco Canyon National Monument,
1, 8Chaco Canyon ruins, xii, 1, 4, 8, 15
Chaco game animals, 247, 349
Chaco Plateau, 2
Chaco River, 1;
pl. 4
Chettro Kettle ruins, 8, 15
Chischilly-begay, Tom, 55, 56;
pl. 12
Chisels, bone, 146
Claystone, ornaments of, 101
"Cliff House" sandstones, 2
Climate, 2, 5, 6, 12, 68, 344
Cloisonné work, 230
Clothes racks, 45, 46
Clothing, 69-80
worn by Tiguas, 1581, 69
Cloud blowers, 299-304
Club heads, pl. 21
Clubs, 259, 260;
pl. 12
Cly, Dan, 53, 54, 57
Cockelshell and contents, pl. 89
Collins, H. B., Jr., ix
Conant, Kenneth, ix
Containers, miscellaneous, 172-173
Cooking pots, 186-189;
pls. 50-53
Cooper, G. A., 129, 291
Corn, 56, 62, 63;
pl. 15
Coronado, 64, 70, 133, 259
Cotton, 69-71
Cougar effigy, 222
Coville, Frederick V., ix, xi, 61
Coyotes, 65, 66, 385-389
Cradle (?), 49;
pl. 9
Culinary ware, banded neck, 177, 186
corrugated coil, 179, 187, 197
Cultural relations, 29-38
Culture sequences, terminology used, 15
Cupboards, 46
Cups, concretionary, 283, 284
Cylinders, sandstone, 283;
pl. 82
wooden, 276, 277;
pl. 78
Daggers (?), 259
Deer, effigies of, 218
use of, for food and clothing, 64
Deer and antelope corral near Escavada
Wash, 64, 247Dibbles. See planting sticks
Dice, bone, 279, 280
Digging sticks, 241-243
reworked fragments of, 153, 154
Disks, pottery, 228-229
Dodge, Richard E., x
Dogs, 65, 66, 385-389
Doll (?), wooden, 157;
pl. 38
Doors, 41-44, 46;
pl. 8
Douglass, Andrew Ellicott, iii, viii, xi,
2, 3, 6, 19, 68Drawknife, bone, 146;
pl. 32
Dress and adornment, 69-116
Drills, 87, 132;
pl. 20
Eardrops, shell, 93, 95
turquoise, 85;
pls. 9, 19
Effigies, antelope, 218
bear, 221
bifurcated basket, 316-318, 320;
pl. 88
bird, 296, 297, 333
deer, 218
earthenware, 216-227, 297, 298,
316-320frog, 297
jet, 100, 101
human-effigy vessel, 224-227
pottery vessel, 215-227
rattlesnake, 278
stone, 227, 292, 295-298
toad, 223
tortoise, 223
turquoise, 98, 99, 296
wooden "doll," 157
Effigy vessels, 216-227,
Erwin, A. T., 61
Escavada River, 58
Escavada Wash, irrigation ditches on,
58Expeditions, iii, vii, x, 7-9, 16, 17, 25,
53, 245annual symposia, x
collections, xi
field staff, ix
Indian workmen, x
reports, iv, xi
Fajada Butte, 4
Farming, floodwater, 3, 52-56;
pl. 13
Feathers, 266, 267
color control of, 263
eagle, 266
parrot and macaw, 81, 263-265, 267
prayer, 267
turkey, 263, 266
Fewkes, J. W., vii, 172, 282
Figurines, 199, 295-299
"Files," sandstone, 87, 123
Fire-making, implements of, 152, 153
Fireplaces, 32, 44-45
Flutes, wooden, 305
Forests, ancient, 2-6
Foshag, W. F., xi
Fossils, 291
Footprint, fossil, pl. 100
Friedmann, Herbert, 263
Frogs, effigies of, 297
Fruits, 61-63
Furniture and furnishings, 39, 49-52
Galena, 102
Gallegos, 69-70, 204
basket, 354
foot race, 354
Navaho, 354
pole and ring, 354
shinny, 354
stick, 354
Goodwin, Mrs. James W., xii
Gourds, canteens made from, 159
painted rind, 279
Graves, Old Bonitian, 28
Great Drought, 6, 68
Gregg, Josiah, 6
Grosvenor, Gilbert, iv, viii, ix
Guthe, Carl E., 175
Hammers, stone, 117-118;
pl. 24
Hammond, L. C., ix
Hand stones, pl. 27
Haury, Emil W., 87
Havens, O. C., ix, 35
Headband. See Tumplines
Hearths, fire-drill, 152-153
Hematite, stick of, 286, 287
Henderson, E. P., xi, 90, 285
Hewett, Edgar L., 56-58
Hoes, shoulder-blade, 243
stone, 243-245
See also Tcamahias
Holmes, W. H., vii
Holsinger, S. J., 8, 56, 58
Hosta, Old, 6
Hough, Walter, 39
Household tools and utensils, 117-173
Houses, Late Bonitian, 19, 20, 27, 28,
30-31Old Bonitian, 17, 19, 20, 27, 28,
30-31Pueblo I pit, 15, 18, 29, 31, 32
Pueblo II pit, 33, 34, 35
Humeri, scrapers. See Scrapers, bone
Hyde, B. T. B., x, 7, 16, 22
Hyde, Frederick E., Jr., 7, 8
Hyde Exploration Expeditions, x, 7, 8,
16, 17, 25, 53, 245Implements, agricultural, 241-246
antler, 152
bone, 139-152;
pls. 32, 33, 34, 36, 37
field and chase, 239-260
stone, 117-139, 239;
pls. 20, 23-28,
30, 31, 70
wood, 152-159;
pls. 38, 39
Irrigation ditches, 55-59, 345, 347, 350;
pl. 14
See also Farming, floodwater
Jackson, W. H., x, 4, 5, 6, 10, 13, 346
Jar covers, 22, 127-128, 204, 230;
24, 53
Jar rests (or potrests), 173, 228;
pl. 46
Jar stopper, 230
Jars, 204-208;
pls. 58, 64, 66
San Juan kiva, 26
See also Ollas
Jeancon, Jean Allard, 34
Jet. See Ornaments, jet, and lignite
Johnson, David H., xi, 64, 149
Judd, Anne Mackay, xii
Judd, Neil M., iii, iv
Kachina dancers, 261
Kaolin, 184, 185, 286
Kellogg, Remington, xi, 64
Kidder, A. V., vii, 35
Kin Yai ruins. See Pueblo Viejo
Kinbiniyol ruin, 1, 56
Kinbiniyol Valley, 55;
pl. 13
irrigation, 56, 57
Juan's Lake, 55
Navaho farms, 55-56
King, P. B., 129
Kinklizhin ruin, 57
Kirk, Edwin, 129
Kiva Q, 21, 27, 130, 176
Kiva R, 27, 66, 268
Kivas, Great, 35, 36
Old Bonitian, 33-34
pre-Zuñi at Hawikuh, 35, 37
under West Court, 176-177
Knives, 128-131, 289;
pl. 28
La Gorce, John Oliver, ix
Ladd, Robert N., xii
Ladders, 42
Ladles, 201-202;
pls. 61, 62, 69
Linsley, A. H., ix
Loom anchors, 155-156;
pl. 39
Loom bars, 154-155;
pl. 38
Loos, Leta B., xii
Luxán, 62, 70, 190
Macaw clan, 263
Macaws, 263-265;
pls. 75, 76
Maize, 39, 64, 132
Malachite, 102, 103, 285
Malcolm, Roy I., 14
Mammals, 64-66, 140, 324
Manos (mullers), 132, 138
Manuelito ruins, 36
Martin, George B., ix, 35
Masonry, 19, 23, 24, 26, 30, 34;
pls. 5,
7, 8, 14
Matriliny, 40
Mats and matting, 50, 51, 325, 326, 327,
329, 330, 331, 332, 334;pls. 10, 11
Mauls, 240-241
McFarlane, Robert, ix
McLellan, George M., ix
McNaughton, J. B., ix
Mealing bins, pl. 29
"Medicine stones," 286-289, 291
Meggers, Betty Jane, xii
Meggers, William F., 111-115
Menefee formation, 2
Mental telepathy of Indians, 84-85
Merriam, C. Hart, ix
Mesa Verde mugs, 26;
pl. 7
Metates (mills), 132-138;
pls. 26, 30,
Mica, 102
Micaceous schist, 291, 292
Miera y Pacheco, Don Bernardo,
map, 6Miller, G. S., Jr., xi
Milling bins, 133-134
Milling stones. See Metates
Mindeleff, Victor, x, 6, 39, 40, 41, 48,
49Minerals, 280-294
Morgan, Lewis H., 6
Morley, Sylvanus G., vii, ix
Morris, Earl H., vii, 33-35, 172, 234,
271Morrison, Lt. C. C., 57
Mortars, 139;
pl. 82
Morton, C. V., xi, 61
Mosaics, 104-105
Mountain-lion effigies, 222, 295;
pl. 83
Mountain-lion remains, 64, 65, 324
Mugs in Room 32, 26;
pl. 7
Mummy Cave Tower, 271, 320
Musical instruments, 304-306
flutes, wooden, 305
trumpets, shell, 305-306
whistles, bone, 304-305
"Napkin rings," 227
National Geographic Society, Beam
Expeditions, iii, viiiChaco Canyon reconnaissance, iii,
viiCommittee on Research, iii, iv, viii
National Geographic Society, Pueblo
Bonito Expeditions, iii, vii, 8-9, 175Navaho in Chaco Canyon, 3, 4, 14, 67,
343, 350(Hosteen Beyal), 5, 10, 58, 247,
343-347, 351-353Mexicans and, 347, 350
Noqoilpi story, 351-354
(Old Wello), 5, 83, 247, 343-345,
349(Padilla), 343, 347-350, 353, 354
Utes and, 346, 350
Navaho irrigation ditches, 57-59, 347,
350Necklaces, 84, 85;
pls. 9, 19, 20, 22, 98
Needles, bone, pl. 34
Nelson, N. C., 16, 17, 232
Ocher, 286
Ollas, 204-207;
pl. 64
Ornaments, 80-109;
pls. 9, 19, 21, 22
bone, 107-109
calcite and selenite, 101, 102
clay, 90;
pl. 21
claystone, 101, 102
fluorite, 103
jet, 99, 100, 101;
pl. 22
lignite, 101
manufacture of, 86-87, 97
miscellaneous, 103
potsherd, 104
seed, 90, 103
shell, 28, 81, 83, 87-96, 107;
pl. 21
stone, 83, 84, 87, 90, 91, 101-103;
pl. 21
turquoise, 81-85, 88, 89, 96-99;
9, 19, 22
Osteoporosis symmetrica, 68, 328, 335
Padilla (Navaho informer), 58, 59,
343, 347-350, 353, 354;pl. 3
Paints, 115, 186-190, 283-286
Palette, paint, 285
Palmer, Edward, 129
Parrot feathers, 263, 264
Parsons, Elsie Clews, 262, 269
Peñasco Blanco, 5, 58
Pendants, 85, 90, 93-96, 99, 102, 104,
229;pl. 22
People, 18-29, 36, 179
Late Bonitians and Old Bonitians,
Pepper, George H., ix, 7, 8, 16, 22-27,
45, 47, 51, 64, 124, 172, 202, 267,
271, 272Pine trees, 2, 3;
pl. 2
Pins, bone, pl. 34
Pipes, 299-304
Pitchers, 22, 25, 127, 177, 191, 202-204;
pls. 6, 52, 57, 63, 69
Plan, 16, 17
Planting sticks, 241
Plants, xi, 61-63
Plume holder, clay, 293, 294
Polishers, pottery, 125
Potatoes, wild, 63
Potrests, (or pot rings). See Jar rests
Pots, cooking, 177, 181, 186-189, 198
Potsherds, 104, 177, 178, 181, 209, 228;
pls. 48, 49, 62
Pottery, 21-28, 31-34, 127-128, 174-238;
pls. 24, 48-58, 63, 69
ancestral Zuñi, 36
basket imprinted, 198-199;
pl. 52
black-on-white, 184, 204, 228
black rim line, 33, 178, 191
197, 198"Chaco-San Juan," 21, 179, 180,
183, 190, 198, 203, 231, 232;pl.
Corrugated-coil, 21;
pl. 52
foreign, 195;
pls. 50, 58
"Gallina," 196
imported, 194-195, 232-233
Late Bonitian, 21, 22, 179-180, 201,
203, 206, 231, 203, 205, 206;pl. 50
Little Colorado polychrome, 36
"Mancos black-on-white," 33
"Matte" decorated, 196, 197
"McElmo black-on-white," 194,
206Mesa Verde, 21, 179, 180, 232;
miniature, 191, 214-216;
pl. 69
Old Bonitian, 21, 22, 32, 178-180,
201, 203, 205, 206, 208, 231;pl.
Pottery, painted, 177, 178, 200
Plain-banded, 21
pre-Pueblo, 177, 191;
pl. 48
San Juan, 36
Solid, 21
straight-line hatched, 178, 180, 233,
234;pl. 49
stratigraphy of, 16, 176-180, 230232
terminology of, 177
"Transitional," 21, 30-32, 36, 177,
178, 183, 191, 205;pl. 48
Tularosa black-on-white, 36
"typical" Chaco, 233
Prayer feathers, 267
Prayer meal, 261
Prayer sticks, 261-272
Projectile points, 253-257;
pls. 73, 74
Provenience of objects illustrated, 365384
Pueblo Alto, 2, 354
Pueblo del Arroyo, vii, xi, 4, 7, 8, 9,
13, 185, 199, 207, 244, 385-387;pl. 4
canid remains from, 385-387
Pueblo Pintado, 1
Pueblo Viejo, 1
Pueblo Wejegi, 4
Punches (?), bone, 145-146
Putnam, F. W., 7
Quartz crystal, 289
Rabbits, 64, 141, 246
Rattlesnake effigy, 278
Reeside, J. B., Jr., 129, 291
Rehder, Harold A., 89
Religious articles, 261-324
Religious ceremonies, 261
Ribs, worked, 146;
pls. 32, 33
Rings, 106, 107;
pl. 22
Rio Chaco, 4
Rio San Juan, 1
"Roads," prehistoric, 346, 347, 350
Roberts, Frank H. H., Jr., ix, 15, 34,
36, 177, 184Roberts, Henry B., ix
Root, W. C., 110-111
Rowland, Lucy H., xii
Ruppert, Karl, ix
Rubbing and smoothing stones, 125;
pls. 25, 27
Sacrificial offerings, 65, 83, 89, 90, 95,
99, 254, 255, 322-324, 327-329, 331,
332, 334San Juan kiva jar, typical, 26
San Juan River, 2, 5, 29, 34, 35, 37, 281
Sandal designs, 40, 41, 74, 75, 281-283
Sandals, 73-80;
pls. 16-18
Sanidine basalt, 181-183
Saws, sandstone, 124, 125, 130, 131
Scofield, Carl L., ix, 10, 11, 59, 61
Scrapers, bone, 146-151;
pls. 32, 36, 37
end, 146-152;
pl. 32
stone, 131, 132
pottery, 153, 184, 185, 228;
pl. 38
Selenite, ornaments of, 101, 102
Setzler, Susan P., xii
Shale, red. See Claystone
Shamel, Harold H., xi, 64
Sheldon, Charles, ix
Shells, 89
Shelves, 45, 46
Shepard, Anna O., 181-183, 234-238
Shields, 260
Silicified wood, use of, 292
Simpson, Lt. James H., 1849, 4, 5, 6
Size and provenience of objects illustrated,
365-384Skeletal remains, animal, 324, 385-389;
pl. 101
human, 326-339;
pls. 91-100
Smith, Hugh M., ix
Smith, Philip Sidney, ix
Soil, 12, 59-61
analysis of, 60
Spatula, wood, 153
Spearhead, "ceremonial," 289, 290
Spears (?), 259-260
Spindle whorls, 153-154, 155, 156
Stamps, earthenware, 229
Staves, See Sticks, ceremonial
Stewart, B. Anthony, xi
Sticks, bent, 269, 270
"Ceremonial," 267-272;
pls. 71, 72
sinew-wrapped, 157, 158
Stone artifacts, 290-293
Stone carvings, pl. 80
Stone implements, 117-139
Stone objects and minerals, 280-294
Stone ornaments, 83, 84, 87, 90-91, 101,
103;pl. 21
Storage, 47-49, 62
Subsistence and living conditions, 39-68
Sudworth, George B., wood identified
by, 172Tablets, sandstone, 121, 125-126, 280282,
286;pls. 27, 81
Tassels, altar-stick (?), 272-275
Tcamahias, 282-283
See also Hoes
Temper, pottery, 174, 180-183, 195, 235
Thackery, Frank A., 63
Tiguas, clothing worn by, 69
Toad effigy, 223
Tobacco, 304
Tools, agricultural, 241-246;
pl. 71
Torches (?), cedar-bark, 276-278;
Tortoise effigy, 223
Toys, 157, 209, 228;
pls. 38, 69
Trade, in parrot feathers, 81, 88, 265
in pottery, 182, 233
in shells, 81, 88
in turquoise, 81-82, 88, 265
Trait comparisons, 30-31
Trash, disposal of, 20, 21
Travertine, 287-288
Trays, elliptical, 165-166, 306
Tree-ring dates, xi, 14, 19, 24, 36
Trumpets, shell, 305-306;
pl. 82
Tumplines, 171, 172;
pl. 46
Turkeys, 66
Turquoise, 81-99;
pls. 9, 19, 20, 22
Turquoise necklace, 84, 85;
pls. 9, 19,
22, 98
Ulrich, E. O., 129
Una Vida, 4, 58
Urocyon species, 385
Utes, relations with Navaho, 350, 353
Vases, 22, 25, 127, 210-214, 321-322;
pls. 6, 67, 68
Vegetables, 61-63
Ventilators, 44, 46
Vessels, pl. 7. (See also under names
of various kinds of vessels)Vulpes species, 385
Wall pegs, 46
Walls, 30, 34, 40, 41;
pls. 5, 6, 7
Walnut shells, 103
Walsh, Oscar B., ix, 53, 54, 55, 57
Washington, Lt. Col. John M., 4
Water resources, 4, 9-12, 52, 59, 61
Water samples, analysis, 11, 12
Weapons, 258-260
Weather ceremonies, 261
Weaving techniques, clothing, 69
sandals, 77-80;
pls. 16, 17, 18
Wello, Old, 5, 83, 343-345;
pl. 3
Wells, Rafael's, 11, 61
Wetherill's, 10, 12;
pl. 4
Wetherill, John, 5, 10, 343
Wetherill, Richard, 1, 7, 8, 9, 58
Wetherill's dam, 1, 10, 58;
pl. 1
Wetherill's well, 10, 12;
pl. 4
Wetmore, Alexander, iv, xi, 264
Whistles, bone, 304-305
Whitewash, 41
Windows, 39, 44
Wirito's Rincon, 2, 3;
pl. 2
Wissler, Clark, viii, ix, x, 16
Woodbury, Richard B., xii
Wooden objects, 157-159, 276, 277;
38, 78
Work slabs (?), 46-47, 126-127
Wrist guards, 258
The material culture of Pueblo Bonito | ||