University of Virginia Library

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A.—Bowler Cocke, p. 3, line 8. He, together with his
brother, were among the patentees of the rich land of Curle's
Neck, on James River, which was granted in one hundred
acre lots. He was clerk of Henrico County in 1738.

B.—Four-Mile Creek, p. 5, line 13. So called from its
distance from Henrico Town.

C.—James Cocke, p. 16, line 16. Clerk of Henrico
County in 1699.

D.—Cornealious's, p. 22, line 38, (Cornelious's Creek.)
So called from Cornelius De Hull, who owned land contiguous
to it.

E.—Joseph and John Pleasants, p. 26, lines 22-3. These
were the sons of John Pleasants, who emigrated to Virginia
from England in the year 1665, and settled in Henrico County.
The editor has in his possession a genealogical "Tree" of
this family, which though unbroken as regards names, and
extending almost down to the last generation, is deficient in
dates. He has also manuscript material pertaining to the
history of the family, who were originally, in point of religious
belief, of the Society of Friends. The late Governor
James Pleasants, Jr., John Hampden Pleasants, his son, the
able journalist, founder and until his death in 1846 editor of
the Richmond Whig, and Hugh Rose Pleasants, the brother
of the latter, so well known, more recently in connection with


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the Richmond Press, were the descendants of Joseph Pleasants
of the text. The editor desires to perfect as far as may
be practicable, a genealogy of the family, and would be grateful
to any of its members, who might be kindly disposed to
aid him with information concerning it.

F.—Robert Pleasants, p. 70, line 2. The son of John, the
younger, (vide preceding note.) He possessed a vigorous intellect,
and was a man of most indomitable energy. He engaged
in mercantile pursuits as well as planting, and was remarkably
successful in the acquisition of wealth. He owned
and resided upon the Curle's Plantation. He entered heartily
into all schemes of philanthropy, and agricultural and mechanical
improvements. A subject, in which he was deeply
interested, was the emancipation of the African race from
slavery in this country—in behalf of which he was in constant
correspondence with the early advocates of the measure,
both here and in England. The warmest esteem existed
between him and the prominent philanthropists of Pennsylvania,
Anthony Benzenet, James Pemberton, John Smith
and others. Though he possessed a number of slaves, he
emancipated them all by will. He conducted a correspondence
with Robert Bolling, Jr., of Chellowe, Buckingham
county, on the culture of the vine, the manufacture of wine in
Virginia, and upon kindred subjects, in 1765-70. He died
near the close of the last century.

G.—St. Peter's Church, New Kent County; vide note 11.
Rev. David Mossom. It affords us deep gratification to be
able to present the following extracts from a local announcement
in the columns of the "Richmond Daily Dispatch," of
the issue of November 14th, 1872, concerning this sacred


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relic of the past: "This old church has been substantially
and beautifully repaired, and will be re-opened for service
——. The original designs which had been shamefully
changed, have been restored. The high arched ceiling
has been replaced, the walls replastered, finished with a hard
coat, and pencilled to represent stone. A new gallery has
been put up in the end of the church, and other modern improvements
not inharmonious with its original design introduced.
It is now one of the most beautiful, comfortable and
effective of the country churches."

H.—Jonathan Boucher, page XI, second foot line. John
Mercer, the editor of an abridgement of the Laws of Virginia,
printed by William Parks, at Williamsburg, in 1737, in a
diary kept by him in Spotsylvania county, in 1766, mentions
a "Parson Bouchier." Could this be adopted as the
correct rendering of the name, the variable orthography of
the text might readily be accounted for as apparent attempts
at adaptation to its pronunciation.

I.—Page XXII, foot note. New Church. Since the committal
of the foregoing pages to the printer, the editor has
been informed that the entire walls of the New Church were
erected prior to the abandonment of the work.

J.—Joseph Mayo, note 5, page 163. A recent visit of the
editor to the old burying ground of the Mayo family at Powhatan,[103]
enables him to present what he hopes will not be considered
an uninteresting addition to this note.

The Cemetery is in area about fifty by one hundred feet,
and is well enclosed by a brick wall—several cedar trees


Page 196
within the inclosure, measuring nearly two feet in diameter,
are evidently of indigenous growth. The Cemetery is distant
from the mansion some two hundred yards, following
the current of the river, (between the two, lie the recently
erected depot buildings of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad.)
It occupies the summit of an eminence rivalling that
on which is built the mansion. Its military advantages
caused its selection during our late unhappy strife as the site
of fortifications, which remain a little to the left of the Cemetery,
almost as well-defined as when they were manned by
the heroes of the "lost cause."

The Cemetery (in which there is doubtless a number of unmarked
graves) contains more than a score of monuments to
the dead, bearing the family names of Mayo, Poythress, Macon,
Scott, Cabell, Fulton, Thom and Atkinson—among the
more interesting of them are the following:

[Mayo Arms.]

Here lyeth interred the Body
Of Joseph Mayo,[104] Gent.,
Born in Sumersetshire,
March 25th, 1693, and died
March 25th, 1740. Aged, 47 years.
Near this Tomb, also lie Interred
The Bodys of three of his children;
who died in their infancy,
viz: Joseph Mayo, born March
the 28th, 1729, and died Oct. ye 9, 1732;
Marianna Mayo, born May ye


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24th, 1731, and died Sept. 5th, 1732;
Steph., the 2d, born Sept. 18th, 1735,
and died Oct'r, 1736.

[Mayo Arms.]

Here lyeth Interred the Body
Of George Mayo, Eldest son
of Joseph Mayo, was born
In the Island of Barbadoes,
August 30th, 1717, Died Feb. ye 19th, 1739.

The two preceding are companion stones, lying side by
side, prone upon the earth. They are, in dimensions, six feet
six inches in length, by three feet three inches in width, and
are fully five inches in thickness, the edges being rounded into
the ogee form. The material is apparently a kind of marble
of great hardness and density; in color, a slatish gray. The
perfect preservation of the inscriptions in all of their minutiæ
and the still unmarred and polished surface of the
stones, are evidences of their unusual durability. The carved
inscriptions were palpably by a skilled hand. The family
coat of arms being most artistically executed. The Mayo
coat of arms is as follows: Azure, vair gules argent, between
three coronets or. Crest, a unicorn's head erased, bearing a
chevron vair gules and argent. Here the arms appear with
a crescent for difference, and are rendered with an Esquire's
helmet surmounting the shield, and an exquisite mantling of
scroll work.

The two following are head-stones of gray sandstone.

To the Memory


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John Mayo,
Who died June 17, 1786.
Aged, 50 years.
Inspired by a grateful recollection
of parental care and protection,
this stone is rais'd by Filial Affection.

To the Memory
Mary Mayo,
Spouse of J. M., who died
Sept. 1792, in the 60th
year of her Age.

Now follows a venerable couple—the tombs side by side,
altar-shaped and of white marble:

In Memory of
Our Father,
William Mayo,
Who was born in the county of Gloucester
Sept. 26th, 1757.
Died in Richmond, August 12th, 1837.
Aged, 84 years.

In Memory of
Our Mother,
Elizabeth Poythress,
Consort of William Mayo,
Born in the County of Prince George, 1759.


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Died at Powhatan seat, Aug. 6th, 1806.
Aged, 47 years.

The two next are handsome monuments of white marble,
obelisk in form. The inscriptions, which are presented on
four sides of the one and three of the other, are as follows:

N. Sacred
To the Memory of
Colonel John Mayo,
He was born
the 21st October, 1760, at
Deep Creek, Powhatan county,
and died at
in the
County of Henrico,
May 28th, 1818.
57 years and 7 months.

W. He was endowed
with an active mind, a feeling heart,
and liberal spirit.
will long remember his useful life,
to which she owes various
particularly the important
which bears his name and connects


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her with
A work
suggested and accomplished
by individual enterprise and energy
and perseverance.
For many years
He represented Henrico
in the
General Assembly,
and was elected by that body
A Member
of the
Executive Council of State,
But earthly pageant's have passed away,
His mortal remains lies beneath this stone,
His soul humbly offers itself to God.
pray thou
with the widowed and the fatherless,
that it may be mercifully accepted
and graciously appointed to Seats of

N. Sacred
To the Memory of
Mrs. Abigail Mayo,[105]
relict of the late


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Col. John Mayo,
of Belleville,
near Richmond, Virginia,
The remembrance of her
virtues, her strength of
mind and character, her
kindness and usefulness,
will ever be cherished by
her bereft children and
friends. She lived beloved
and respected, and died
sincerely deplored,
In the the 83rd year of
Her Age.

W. Obit. 2nd of October,
Anno Domini 1843

S. Green be the turf above thee,
Mother of our other days;
None knew thee, but to love thee,
None named thee, but to praise.

E. Nat. 14th of February,
Anno Domini 1761.

We will conclude with the following inscription to the
memory of two children of the late General Winfield Scott,
who married a daughter of Col. John and Abigail Mayo,
whose epitaphs precede this. The tomb is altar-shaped, with
white marble slab and panelled slate sides, which, from the
mouldering of the cement, are now falling away:


Page 202

In Memory
Two lovely children,
John Mayo Scott,
Born April 18th, 1819, Died Sept. 23rd, 1820,
Buried at Montpelier,
the seat of
Ex-President Madison;
Edward Winfield Scott,
Born Mar. 23rd, 1823, died May 17th, 1827,
who lies
Beneath this tomb,
Sons of
Winfield and Maria Mayo Scott.
My soul melteth away
for very heaviness,
Comfort thou me, Oh, Lord!

K.—Note 13. Isaac Winston. Though the origin of the
Winston family in Virginia, is traditionally accepted by its
members as rendered in the note, yet the following early mention
of the name, which has come to the knowledge of the
editor since the latter was penned, he deems it proper to offer
here: He finds upon record in the Virginia Land Registry
Office, grants of land to William Winston, the first, of
date October 21st, 1687, and the last, 1706, numbering
nearly 7,000 acres, and a grant of 1,079 acres in New Kent
county, to Anthony Winston, dated October 24th, 1701.

Page 171, lines 11 and 12. The editor is now conclusively
satisfied that Isaac Winston1 had only two daughters, Mary


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and Sarah, the former of whom was grand-mother of Mrs.
Madison. He extracts the following from "The Paine Family
Register," No. 1, Albany, N. Y., January 1st, 1857, edited
by Henry D. Paine, M. D.:

"John Payne was an English gentleman of affluence and
education. He settled in Goochland county on James river,
Va. He married Anna Fleming, grand-daughter of Sir
Thomas Fleming, second son of the Earl of Wigdon, who
came to this country in 1616, and settled in New Kent county,
Va., where he lived and died.

John Payne,[106] his son, married Mary Coles, of Hanover
county, Va.

His children were: William, Temple, Dolly, Lucy, Anna,
Mary, John and Isaac.

William died unmarried.

Dolly married James Madison, 4th President of the
United States.

Lucy married 1st, G. Washington; 2d, Hon. T. Todd, one
of the Judges of the Supreme Court of the United States.

Anna[107] married Hon. Richard Cutts, M. C. from Maine.

Mary married Hon. J. J. Jackson, M. C. from Virginia.

John married Miss Wilcox, of Canada.

Isaac died unmarried.

L.—Page 186, line 9. Another private Cemetery has since
come to the knowledge of the editor. It is located on the


Page 204
north side of Lester street, between Nicholson and Louisiana
streets. It contains several monuments of white marble, one
of which, erected to the memory of John Prosser, who died
Oct. 25th, 1810, in his 38th year, is quite handsome. It is
a plinth, some four feet in height, surmounted by an urn.
The only remaining name appearing, is that of Wright, and
the latest inscription bears date, 1821.

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Now owned by Mr. Geo. S. Prince.


The Joseph Mayo of the text.


Her maiden name was De Hart, and she was a native of Elizabethtown,
New Jersey.


John Payne was of the religious tenets of the Society of Friends,
and acted for a number of years as Clerk at their "Yearly Meetings"
held in Hanover county. His penmanship, specimens of which are
in the possession of the editor, was of great beauty, regularity and
minuteness. It would thus appear that the marked and graceful
caligraphy of Mrs. Madison was hereditary.


"A sister of Mrs. Madison, and every way worthy of the same
parentage." [John Quincey Adams.