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Tried, Precious Sure.

Jesus Christ: ‘The Same yesterday, and to-day, and for ever.’— Heb. xiii. 8.

Jesus Christ: ‘A stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation.’— Isa. xxviii. 16.


Through the yesterday of ages,
Jesus, Thou hast been The Same;
Through our own life's chequered pages,
Still the one dear changeless name.
Well may we in Thee confide,
Faithful Saviour, proved and ‘tried!’


Joyfully we stand and witness
Thou art still to-day The Same;
In Thy perfect, glorious fitness,
Meeting every need and claim.
Chiefest of ten thousand Thou!
Saviour, O most ‘precious,’ now!


Gazing down the far for ever,
Brighter glows the one sweet Name,
Stedfast radiance, paling never,
Jesus, Jesus! still The Same.
Evermore ‘Thou shalt endure,’
Our own Saviour, strong and ‘sure!’