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All the workes of Iohn Taylor the Water-Poet

Being Sixty and three in Number. Collected into one Volume by the Author [i.e. John Taylor]: With sundry new Additions, corrected, reuised, and newly Imprinted

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ELIZABETH, QVEENE OF England, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c.

The griefes, the feares, the terrors and the toiles,
The sleights, tricks, snares, that for my life were laid
Popes, prisons, poysons, pistols, bloody broyles,
All these incompast me (poore harmelesse Mayd)
But I still trusting in my Makers ayde,
Was still defended by his power diuine:
My glory and my greatnesse was displai'd
As farre as Sunne and Moone did euer shine.
Gods mingled Seruice I did re-refine,
From Romish rubbish, and from humane drosse.
I yearely made the pride of Spaine decline:
France and all Belgia I sau'd from losse:
I was Arts patterne, t'Armes I was a Patron;
I liu'd and dyed a Queene, a Maid, a Matron.