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The Works of The Ettrick Shepherd

Centenary Edition. With a Memoir of the Author, by the Rev. Thomas Thomson ... Poems and Life. With Many Illustrative Engravings [by James Hogg]

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I'll no wake wi' Annie.

O mother, tell the laird o't,
Or sairly it will grieve me, O,
That I'm to wake the ewes the night,
And Annie's to gang wi' me, O.
I'll wake the ewes my night about,
But ne'er wi' ane sae saucy, O,
Nor sit my lane the lee-lang night
Wi' sic a scornfu' lassie, O:
I'll no wake, I'll no wake,
I'll no wake wi' Annie, O;
Nor sit my lane o'er night wi' ane
Sae thraward an' uncanny, O!
Dear son, be wise an' warie,
But never be unmanly, O;
I've heard ye tell another tale
Of young an' charming Annie, O.
The ewes ye wake are fair enough,
Upon the brae sae bonnie, O;
But the laird himsell wad gie them a'
To wake the night wi' Annie, O.
He'll no wake, he'll no wake,
He'll no wake wi' Annie, O;
Nor sit his lane o'er night wi' ane
Sae thraward an' uncanny, O!
I tauld ye ear', I tauld ye late,
That lassie wad trapan ye, O;
An' ilka word ye boud to say
When left alane wi' Annie, O.
Take my advice this night for ance,
Or beauty's tongue will ban ye, O,
An' sey your leal auld mother's skill
Ayont the muir wi' Annie, O.
He'll no wake, he'll no wake,
He'll no wake wi' Annie, O,
Nor sit his lane o'er night wi' ane
Sae thraward an' uncanny, O!
The night it was a simmer night,
An' oh the glen was lanely, O!
For just ae sternie's gowden e'e
Peep'd o'er the hill serenely, O.
The twa are in the flow'ry heath,
Ayont the muir sae flowy, O,
An' but ae plaid atween them baith,
An' wasna that right dowie, O?
He maun wake, he maun wake,
He maun wake wi' Annie, O;
An' sit his lane o'er night wi' ane
Sae thraward an' uncanny, O!
Neist morning at his mother's knee
He blest her love unfeign'dly, O;
An' aye the tear fell frae his e'e,
An' aye he clasp'd her kindly, O.
“Of a' my griefs I've got amends,
In yon wild glen sae grassy, O;
A woman only woman kens—
Your skill has won my lassie, O.
I'll aye wake, I'll aye wake,
I'll aye wake wi' Annie, O,
An' sit my lane ilk night wi' ane
Sae sweet, sae kind, an' canny, O!”