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Thy Reign.

‘Righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.’— Rom. xiv. 17.


Thy reign is righteousness;
Not mine, but Thine!—
A covering no less
Than the broad, bright waves of Thy great sea,
That roll triumphantly
From line to pole, and pole to line;
A reign where every rebel thought
In sweet captivity
To Thine obedience is brought.


Thy reign is perfect peace;
Not mine, but Thine!—
A stream that cannot cease,


For its fountain is Thy heart. O depth unknown!
Thou givest of Thine own,
Pouring from Thine and filling mine.
The ‘noise of war’ hath passed away;
God's peace is on the throne,
Ruling with undisputed sway.


Thy reign is joy divine!
Not mine, but Thine,
Or else not any joy to me!
For a joy that flowed not from Thine own,
Since Thou hast reigned alone,
Were vacancy or misery.
O sunshine of Thy realm, how bright
This radiance from Thy throne,
Unspeakable in calmest light!


Thy reign shall still increase!
I claim Thy word,—
Let righteousness and peace
And joy in the Holy Ghost be found,
And more and more abound
In me, through Thee, O Christ my Lord;
Take unto Thee Thy power, who art
My Sovereign, many-crowned!
Stablish Thy kingdom in my heart.