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A mortal not man

Whoever is incompetent to explain Soul would be wise not to undertake the explanation of body. Life is, always has been, and ever will be independent of matter; for life is God, and man is the idea of God, not formed materially but spiritually, and not subject to decay and dust. The Psalmist said: "Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of Thy hands. Thou hast put all things under his feet."

The great truth in the Science of being, that the real man was, is, and ever shall be perfect, is incontrovertible; for if man is the image, reflection, of God, he is neither inverted nor subverted, but upright and Godlike.

The suppositional antipode of divine infinite Spirit is the so-called human soul or spirit, in other words the five senses, - the flesh that warreth against Spirit. These so called material senses must yield to the infinite Spirit, named God.

St. Paul said: "For I determined not to know any- thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified." (I Cor. ii. 2.) Christian Science says: I am determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and him glorified.