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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia

containing the Charter as amended and re-enacted as a whole (approved March 14, 1908), the constitutional and legislative provisions of the state relating to cities, and the general ordinances of the city enacted as a whole August 6th, 1909, in effect September 1st, 1909

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Sec. 453. Sewers—how designated.

For the purpose of this chapter, all sewers running in the streets
of the city with which the sewers running into the lots abutting
on the streets connect, shall be called main or lateral sewers; all
sewers leading from the main or lateral sewers to the property on
either side shall be called house sewers.

Sec. 454. Same—how constructed.

The city shall lay, construct and maintain all main or lateral
sewers, "Y" branches, and all house sewers from their connection
with main or lateral sewers to the boundary line of the property
into which such house sewers lead, inside the city limits. The
owner of the property into which such house sewer leads shall
construct the same from the property line to the house connection.

Sec. 455. Same—connections, how made.

No connection shall be made with the main or lateral sewers
without the consent in writing of the Superintendent.

Sec. 456. Sewer connections—how permission for secured.

Application for permission to connect with any main or lateral
sewer must be in writing and must be made by the owner of the
property which it is proposed to connect with the sewer system; or
by his duly authorized agent; such application shall give the name
of the owner of the property, the location of the property, the
name of the person, firm or corporation who is to do the work,
the nature of the liquid that is to flow through such sewer, specifying
whether it be household waste or other fluid, and showing
the proposed location of the house sewer on the property by a
plat or drawing of the property, or otherwise.

Sec. 457. House sewers—how connected.

All house sewers shall be constructed strictly in accordance
with the facts stated in the application, provided said application


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be granted, and shall be constructed with reference to the "Y"
branches as located by the Superintendent, and in accordance
with his directions.

Sec. 458. Sewers—injury to; or to gas or water pipes.

No person, firm or corporation, while engaged in the construction
of house sewers or otherwise, shall injure, trim, break or remove
any portion of any main or lateral sewer, or "Y," or manhole,
lamp-hole or flush-tank, or do any injury to any gas or
water pipe or house sewer previously laid and no penalty fixed
by this ordinance shall prevent the city or any property owner
from recovering any damages sustained by reason of such injury,
by appropriate civil action or otherwise.

Sec. 459. Same—drainage of injurious matter through

No person shall be permitted to discharge into the main or
lateral sewers, any household sewer or drain through which substances
are discharged, any cinders, vegetables, fruit, fruit peelings,
ashes, rags, cotton, hair, or any refuse matter or garbage or
anything other than the ordinary discharges of water closets,
liquid house slops and closet paper. No rain water from the
roofs of houses, surface water, drainage from the yard or cellar
shall be permitted to flow into the sewer.

Sec. 460. House sewers—how laid.

The trench for the house sewer shall be dug so as to meet the
main or lateral sewer at the position of the "Y" branch and at
the angle located and required by the Superintendent. The material
thrown from the trench shall be so placed as not to obstruct
the streets as far as possible; proper barriers and lights shall be
maintained on the banks of such trench to guard against accident
during the progress of the work; and, in filling in, the earth
shall be carefully rammed or puddled so as to prevent settlement
after it is laid mus tbe left smooth and perfectly clean through-after
it is laid must be left smooth and perfectly clean throughout
its entire length; and to insure the same, a scraper of suitable
material of the same shape of the pipe and slightly less in
diameter, shall be drawn through each length of pipe after it
has been laid.


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Sec. 461. Sewer pipe—material and size.

All house sewers laid in the streets shall be of first class six
inch, salt glazed, vitrified pipe, or of four inch cast iron pipe of
the best quality. If earthenware pipe be used it must be laid not
less than 18 inches below the surface. The joints of the pipe,
if earthenware be used, shall be made with gasket and mortar
of good fresh cement, and clean, sharp sand of equal parts, and
if iron pipe be used, the joints shall be made with gasket and
melted lead, well calked, and all joints shall be water tight and
gas tight. All house sewers shall be run in straight lines and on
uniform grades, and whenever a change of direction shall be
required it shall be effected by curving gently.

Sec. 462. Same—stoppage of.

In case of any stoppage in the main or lateral sewers, the city
shall remove the obstruction. If the stoppage occurs in the house
sewer or drain, the property owner, whose property it connects
with the main sewer, shall remove the obstruction.

Sec. 463. Violations of the provisions of this chapter—
penalty, etc.

Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of
this chapter shall be fined not less than $1 nor more than $10 for
each offense.

Sec. 464. Sewer connection board.

The chairman of the Water and Sewers Committee, the chairman
of the Street Committee and the president of the Board of
Health shall constitute the Sewer Connection Board, whose duty
and power it shall be to order, after making proper examination,
the owner or owners of any property within the city, to connect
closets, urinals, bath or kitchen of said property with the public
sewer; and from its decision there shall be no appeal. Any person
or persons failing to comply with the order of the board to
connect his or their property with the sewer shall be fined $1
per day for every day that he or they shall fail to make said
connection after the time specified in the order of the board;
unless he or they can give a satisfactory reason for the delay.