University of Virginia Library

The merry meeting on The Moor

July 1749
Now tours the Sun with radiant glow
and zyphers brush the Height and How,
neigher the Steads, the Spaniels frisk,
the Hunters mount with humour brisk,
to range the Moor, & beat the Bent,
and bring down Powts, with fell intent
Three Knights advance into the field
wha to nae fae a foot wad yield,
tho born upon the Dragon's wing,
or arm'd with th'envemon'd sting,
attended by their trusty 'Squires,
and Nymphs in palfreys, and in Carrs,
who unaffraid can Deserts trace,
and look all dangers in the face,
the Mossy Hag, the Birns, and Bogg,
the Tempests while the Forrests shogg,
and all such draw-backs, are in vain
when they've a mind to take the plain,
unlike the Lazy city Fair
who downa thole the halesom air,
Now as the chearfu' menzie wheel
outo'er the wild, to gain the Sheil,
where Sportsmen their tire'd limbs recline,
and like auld Grecean Heroes dine,
accross their way, by Sathan sent,
a Serpent crawld out from the Bent,


uncoild it self, and forward sprung,
Hissing with venomd teeth & Tongue,
doun from his Carr the Guardian Knight
with Martial Ardour did alight,
the Nymphs from dangers to relieve,
by crushing that auld fae of Eve,
which he perform'd with as stout Arm a
as Hercules slew that of Lerna,
which he with a great Club destroy'd
our Errant but a Whip imployd,
with which the Sneak he breathless laid
Scorning to' file his shining blade
with blood impure,—and now again
they mount, and scowre allong the plain,
singing a conquest sae compleat,
While Ecchoing Hills the notes repeat.
Far in the uncultivated waste,
by good Sir John, a Bower is placed
The Architecture, all designed
of the exactest rustick kind,
and sae well form'd, above and under,
beyond the pith of Thieves to plunder,
nor cormorants, wha fleece by acts,
can make it pay the Window Tax,
There feasted we, with much delyte,
nae sauce like a keen appitite,
and blest be clever Calderwood
wha cookd us up the savoury food,
such was the dish Rebecca dress'd
for which, auld Isaac, Jacob blesd
The Tribes wha were by Moses led
whase Tables were in Desarts spred,
from the red sea, to Jordans ford,
never beheld a rougher Board,
or crownd with mair substantial dishes
to gratifie the sharpest wishes,
than we sat round, nor easyer flowd
good humour, in the Age of Gowd,
when sullen Jar, & party strife,
coost nae dark Shades on social life
nor was there wanting as good liquour
as ever ratle'd in a Bicquour,
which all might drink, as they incline
of ale, or watter, punch, or wine,
nor must the Bon-bouch be unsung
which phenix like frae Ashes sprung,


well pepperd with the salt of peat,
the gusty Morsell close'd the Treat,
and chearfully ilk waggan chin
fill'd up all blanks that were within,
while freedom prompt the Jovial Jest,
and finish'd out the Rurall Feast
A. R.