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Hiram B. Rockhill, Proprietor of the Rockhill
Machine Works located at 401 and 403 Tenth Avenue,
Southeast, was born in Burlington County, New Jersey,
March 3d, 1862, being
illustration a son of Aaron and
Sarah Malissa (Letts)
Rockhill. As a boy he
attended the schools of
his native county and
afterwards entered the
shops of the James
Smith Woolen Machinery
Company of
Philadelphia and while
serving an apprenticeship
there attended the
night sessions of the
High School. He
afterwards took a mechanical
course in the
Correspondence Schools
of Scranton, Pennsylvania.

He located in Salem, Virginia, in 1895, and was
engaged with the Bonsack Cigarette Machine Company
and moved the plant to Lynchburg where for
two years he was its Superintendent.

In November, 1902, he came to Roanoke and
established the first machine shop of any consequence
in the city on Holiday Street, Southeast, under the
name of the Rockhill Machine Works. Later the
capital was increased and the firm name changed to
the Rockhill Foundry and Machine Company. Sometime
afterwards a consolidation was effected with the
Roanoke Foundry & Machine Company and the name
was changed to the Roanoke Iron Works with H. B.
Rockhill as General Manager. He sold his interest in
the early part of 1911 and in May of the same year established
the Rockhill Machine Works which builds
new machinery by contract and does all kinds of repair
work, including the brazing of cast iron. Mr.
Rockhill is a man of thirty-one years' experience in
the machine shop and foundry business.

The Rockhill Machine Works are agents for gasoline
engines, corrugated sheet metal porch columns and
light standards, engine boilers and pumps, shafting
hangers, etc.

In 1896 Mr. Rockhill married Mrs. Carrie W. Camden
of Salem, Virginia, and to this union three children
have been born; namely, Malcomb E., aged thirteen;
Helen E., aged ten; and Carroll B., aged eight years.

Fraternally and socially Mr. Rockhill is a Mason,
holding his membership in Lakeland Lodge, a Knight
Templar, and a member of the Traveler's Protective