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[Who at His cross had stood]

He appeared first to Mary Magdalene, &c. —xvi. 9.

Who at His cross had stood
And seen the dying God,


Happy Magdalene receives
The first visit from her Lord,
By His resurrection lives,
Finds in Him her full reward.
He thus delights to' approve
Her constancy of love,
Shows Himself alive to her
Once by seven devils possess'd,
Now His chosen messenger,
Now preferr'd to all the rest.
He still vouchsafes to bless
Who boldly Him confess,
Prize their Saviour's grief and shame,
Will not from His cross remove,
These He calls to bear His name,
Honours with His richest love.
These are the souls He sends
To cheer His drooping friends,
These His choicest favourites are;
Crown'd for their fidelity
These at last His glory share,
These His face for ever see.
Author of faith, appear
Again its Finisher,
Comforter of all that mourn,
All that love their Lord to see,
Into joy our sorrow turn,
Show Thyself alive to me.