University of Virginia Library

Sec. 11-11. Transporting explosives.[129]

No person shall carry gunpowder, blasting powder, dynamite
or other explosives on any vehicle in any part of the


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city unless the same shall be secured in kegs, boxes or canisters
so that no part thereof can fall out or escape.

No person shall allow any vehicle under his charge or control,
containing more than one keg or case of twenty-five
pounds of gunpowder, blasting powder, dynamite or other
high explosives to remain within the city more than two
hours, and no person shall permit more than twenty-five
pounds of any such explosives to be upon any street or sidewalk
more than thirty minutes; provided, that such explosives
may, during the day, be brought from magazines or
depots in such quantities as may be required to supply the
trade of merchants and wholesale dealers. (Code 1959, § 1111.)


For state law as to transportation of explosives, see Code of Va.,
§§ 18.1-48 to 18.1-53.