University of Virginia Library


[Our sins against the Saviour cry]

Jesus cried with a loud voice, and gave up, &c. —xv. 37.

Our sins against the Saviour cry,
Our sins inflict His mortal pain,
His death forbids that we should die,
Or brings the dead to life again,
Our souls from death eternal saves,
And millions calls out of their graves.
When God resigns His parting breath,
All nature should at once expire;
But to prevent the sinner's death
He doth the death of sin require,
He wills that sin should lose its power,
And move, and live, and be no more.
O that it now might breathe its last,
Transfix'd with Jesus on the tree!
Saviour, on Thee my soul is cast,
To suffer all Thy pangs with Thee,
Participate the death Divine,
And live through endless ages Thine.