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God's reiterated ‘ALL!’
O wondrous word of peace and power!
Touching with its tuneful fall
The rising of each hidden hour,
All the day.


Only all His word believe,
All peace and joy your heart shall fill,
All things asked ye shall receive:
This is Thy Father's word and will,
For to-day.


All I have is thine,’ saith He.
All things are yours,’ He saith again;
All the promises for thee
Are sealed with Jesus Christ's Amen,
For to-day.


He shall all your need supply,
And He will make all grace abound;
Always all sufficiency
In Him for all things shall be found,
For to-day.



All His work He shall fulfil,
All the good pleasure of His will,
Keeping thee in all thy ways,
And with thee always, ‘all the days,’
And to-day!