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The gentleman whose name captions this article
was born in Roanoke County, January 25th, 1876,
and is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac H. Huff. He was
educated in the public
illustration schools of his native
county and at the
National Business
College of this city.

Mr. Huff was for ten
years a commercial
traveler representing
P. W. Huff & Company
and the Norton
Grocery Company,
of Norton, Virginia,
being a partner in both

For five years he was
engaged in operating
and developing coal
mines in Bell County,
Kentucky, and after
selling out his interests
in that state he returned to Roanoke five years ago
and established the firm of Huff & Cook, wholesale
grain and feed dealers. This concern does almost exclusively
a wholesale business throughout this city and
territory contiguous. They purchase their goods in
carload lots from Western concerns and are, therefore,
enabled to quote prices on a very close margin.
Their territory extends along the lines of the Norfolk
& Western in Virginia, West Virginia, and North Carolina.
This firm recently erected a handsome new
warehouse and grain elevator on Nelson Street. The
building is modern and up to date in every respect,
fifty feet by one hundred and fifty feet and four stories
high. The building is constructed of brick and the
machinery is operated by electricity.

Mr. Huff was married in October, 1905, to Miss
Edna L. Haskins, of Bell County, Kentucky, and as
a result of that union they have one child; namely,
Leigh Preston Huff.

Mr. Huff resides at 1020 Henry Street, Southwest.