University of Virginia Library



To them a Servant.
Oh, force of Conscience on the guilty Mind!
That wounded Castor, Sir, within, grown wild,
In bitter Ravings, has confest such Crimes
As fill his Hearers Souls with dread Amaze.

Hah! Castor raving!—and his Guilt the Cause?—

As wild as Winter Winds his Passions rage!
And Horror dwells on ev'ry thing he says.
His Father's, Mother's, Brother's, Sister's Deaths
He has confest the Mischiefs of his Hand.

Monstrous Villain! most accomplish'd Fiend!
Oh, how Reflexion now distracts my Soul!
'Twas he that fill'd my Mind with foul Suspicions:—
Forgive, my Child, those Starts of Savage Passion,
Whose Guilt provokes my Tears.—

Oh, spare them, Sir!—
Or turn their Streams to murder'd Innocence,
Eliza, Edmund, Harroana, all
The bleeding Victims of a Monster's Rage.

Stop, stop, my Thought, from guilty Progress now:
Nor dare accuse eternal Providence,
For suff'ring such a Villain to commit,
With dire Success, these most unheard-of Crimes!
But, lo, at length the tardy Vengeance comes,
And Justice arms the Fury 'gainst himself.
But shew me, lead me to the horrid Sight.
Where Scorpion Conscience holds her dreary Rule
Triumphant o'er her Tyrant Master now!
This is a Time the Wicked all will find,
Who sleep in Guilt, and think they sin secure.