University of Virginia Library


Scena decima.

Mirtillo, Amarillis. Chorus of Shepherds.
Am I so wedded then to grief and anguish,
That in the midst of joy too I must languish?
Was not this tedious pomp enough delay,
But I must meet too my old Remora

Thou art wondrous hasty.

My treasure! yet I am not sure; but go
In fear of robbing still, till as my Spouse
I doe possesse thee in my Fathers house.
To tell thee true, me thinks I fare like one
Who dreams of wealth, and ever and anon
Fears that his golden sleep will break, and he
Be wak'd a beggar. I would gladly be
Resolv'd by some more pregnant proof, that this
Sweet waking now is not a dream of blisse.

Holy Hymen hear our pray'r
And our Song! The earth hath not
A more happy loving pair:
Both of them divinely got:
Pull holy Hymen, pull the destin'd knot.


O happy couple! that hath sown in Tears
And reaps in Comfort! What a foil your fears
Prove to your joyes! Blind Mortals, learn from hence,
Learn (yee effeminate) the difference
Betwixt true goods and false. All is not joy
That tickles us: Nor is all that annoy
That goes down bitter. “True joy is a thing
“That springs from Vertue after suffering.