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or, A collection of poems. Written between the ages of twelve and seventeen, by J. H. L. Hunt ... Fourth Edition

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Sweet to the captive's raptur'd ear
Gay Freedom trills her airy song:
And gaily to the eye of Care
The golden Morning floats along:
And lively to the wither'd glade
Is wak'ning Springs enamell'd brow;
And rapt'rous to the weeping maid
Reviving Love's ecstatic vow;
But when pale Sorrow's languid eye
With tears of crystal is bedew'd,
Tho' Friendship's smile betrays a sigh,
With sweeter charms it is endued.
And sweeter than the airy lay
Of freedom to the captive's ear;
And gayer than the dawning day,
That dances to the eye of Care;
And livelier than the the colour'd brow
Of Spring, that paints the wither'd glade:
And more enraptur'd than the vow
In Love's returning transports made.
Then where, O where's the drooping heart,
If, while the storms of anguish blow,
Fair Friendship from the tempest start,
And smile a rainbow on our woe?


And where's the foot that faintly treads
Life's wide and weary vale along,
If roses on its path she spreads,
And warbles round her thrilling song?
No such has heav'nly Virtue found
Within the precincts of her sway;
Nor flying Fancy's airy round
Encircled in its magic way.
For where she shews her hallow'd form,
Eternal sunshine decks the sky;
Peace calms to rest the turbid storm,
And Toil, and Grief, and Anguish die!
Hope is not there, for all is giv'n
That Fancy's happiest thoughts reveal;
Bliss, such as blooms the flow'r of Heav'n;
And Rapture, such as angels feel!