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Hymns and Sacred Lyrics

In Three Parts. By Joseph Cottle

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397. PART 3. “Thy Kingdom come.”
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397. PART 3. “Thy Kingdom come.”


Mighty Lord! extend thine empire!
Be the truth with triumph crown'd!
Let the lands that sit in darkness
Hear the glorious gospel's sound,
From our borders,
To the world's remotest bound!


By thine arm, eternal Father!
Scatter far the shades of night!
Let the great Immanuel's kingdom
Open like the morning light,
And the future,
Realize our visions bright!


What are Satan's mightiest barriers,
Which a breath of thine o'erthrows!
Shall the creature, in his phrensy,
The Creator's power oppose?
Him, whose lightning—
Ruin hurls upon his foes!


Come! too long to earth a stranger!
Once again thy reign restore!
In thy strength, ride forth and conquer,
Still advancing, more and more,
Till the heathen
Shall the Lord Supreme adore!


On their cruel habitations
May the dawn celestial break!
May they, from the sleep of ages,
To the blaze of day awake!
Spurn their idols,
And the Lord their portion make!



Nor, in breathings for thy kingdom,
Would we banish from our prayer,
Men, renouncing home and kindred,
Tidings of the Cross to bear;
Ease disdaining,
Burning suns, and poisonous air!


Such, of high and noble daring,
Venturing thus the truth to spread;
Bounteous Father! good and gracious,
On their path thy blessings shed!
And, in danger,
Cheer their heart, and shield their head!


Oh! what crowns await the faithful,
When the storms of life shall cease!
Mansions fair, for every pilgrim,
Joys untold, that still increase;
Thought, exceeding!
Cloudless skies, and perfect peace!


If afflictions press us downward,
While, as strangers, here we roam,
Comforts rich are in reversion,
When we reach our Father's home,
And, no longer
Cry, O Lord! thy Kingdom come!