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δακρυα παρεξω: ταυτα γαρ δυναιμεθ'αν.

Iph. in Aul. 1215.

While in Solitude's inward cell
All amidst the crowd I dwell;
Ply life's little part, and take
Each task up for Thy dear sake,
Thoughts of all Thou wast and art
Pierce yet soothe the bleeding heart;
And those upward footsteps teach
My faint feet Thy path to reach:—
Path to where, with all who died
Clinging to the Crucified,
Thy sweet songs adoring rise,
Saint mid Saints in Paradise.
Still beneath Thy faithful care,
Ah! might I the Vision share!
Love Thee none the less, but more,
Heart with heart, the Lamb adore!
Yet meanwhile I would not Thou
Should'st behold what I am now:
Trembling lest this sin-struck heart
Me from Heaven and Thee should part.


If Thou seest my earthly way,
For the soul in prison pray;
Soul by Satan's treachery tried;
Sure, thou wilt not be denied!
—Lord, who in Thy wounded side
Bid'st the heavy-laden hide,
Though the sun of life be set,
Through the darkness aid me yet;
Patient down the way of woe
Grant me in Thy steps to go;
My fond tears forgive, accept;
Thou art Man; and Thou hast wept.