University of Virginia Library



Cloud rolls up from the west,
Blotting the sun in the sky;
Rain pours down from its breast,
Stone nor leaf is dry.
Cloud rolls off to the east,
Sun shines out afresh;
All things, greatest and least,
Laugh in a diamond mesh.
Vast arch springs from the plain,
Lovely, of seven-fold hue,
Built by the sun and rain;
Melting swiftly from view.
Sol, that painter of pow'r,
Shows on his palette there
The colours of every flow'r,
Of earth, of sea, and of air.
It is not seen of the birds
That hop and flutter and trill,
Or the placidly grazing herds,
Or the flock of sheep on the hill.


Storm, shadow, and ray
Triumph and disappear;
Hour melts into day,
Day melts into year.
Force changes and flows;
Nothing is lost or spilt.
Soul, who art watching these shows,
Rate thyself as thou wilt,
Curve and colours are thine,
Thine are the eyes to see:
Natural, human, divine,
This is of Heaven and of Thee.