University of Virginia Library




Tune—“Sin' my Uncle's dead, &c.”

Where windin' Tarf, by broomy knowes,
Wi' siller waves to saut sea rows;
And mony a greenwood cluster grows,
And harebells bloomin' bonnie, O.
Below a spreadin' hazel lee,
Fu' snugly hid where nane could see,
While blinkin' love beamed frae her e'e,
I met my bonnie Annie, O.
Her neck was o' the snawdrap hue,
Her lips like roses wet wi' dew;
But oh! her e'e o' azure blue,
Was past expression bonnie, O.
Like threads o' gowd her flowin' hair,
That lightly wantoned wi' the air;
But vain were a' my rhymin' ware
To tell the charms o' Annie, O.
While smilin' in my arms she lay,
She whisperin', in my ear did say,
“Oh! how could I survive the day,
Should ye prove fause, my Tammie, O?”
“While spangled fish glide to the main,
While Scotland's braes shall wave wi' grain,
Till this fond heart shall break wi' pain,
I'll aye be true to Annie, O.”
The Beltan winds blew loud and lang,
And ripplin' raised the spray alang;


We cheerfu' sat and cheerfu' sang,
The banks of Tarf are bonnie, O.
Though sweet is spring, when young and gay,
And blythe the blinks o' summer's day;
I fear nae winter cauld and blae,
If blest wi' love and Annie, O.