University of Virginia Library



“Udaque turgentes impellunt lumina guttas.”

Thou gently sinking tear that gems the eyes,
Thou little pearly drop of passion's mood!
More elcquent than all the burst of sighs,
In thee the bitterness of grief has food.
Slow rippling as the trembling streamlet forth,
The voiceless language of the woe-struck mind,
The glow of sympathy proclaims thy worth,
Thou canst the tender spring of feeling find.
I've seen thee, tear, in pleasure's gladdest hour,
Start from the eye, and cool the burning cheek—
I've seen thee, tear, when grief's despondent power
Had no interpreter, but thee to speak:


The kindling eye no fonder sight beheld,
No sweeter image of the mind has viewed—
Than when the briny flood could not be quell'd,
The pearly beaming gems of gratitude!