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Willie Winkie and Other Songs and Poems

By William Miller: Edited, with an Introduction by Robert Ford

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[Ae night a wee bird in my ear]

Ae night a wee bird in my ear
Sang “Jamie's faithless to ye?”
I half believ'd the bird was right,
I was so feared he'd lea' me.
I took a seam, to try to sew,
My e'e grew dim an' tearie;
A lassie's lightlied by the lave
When she has lost her dearie.


I rose to do a turn o' wark,
Frae thought just to divert me;
The wee bird sang, “The summer win'
Anither lad will airt ye.”
O fause wee bird! O faithless heart
O' mine, to doubt or swither;
He said the burn wad backward turn
Ere he wad lo'e anither.
June's dewy gloamin's heard his vows,
The blossom'd hawthorn squander'd
Its lovelike sweetness on the air
As lad and lass we wander'd.
Wi' lo'esome words he won my heart,
Wi' gentle dautin's bound it;
He is a sun within my breast,
Wi' worlds o' love around it.