University of Virginia Library


The Happy Land!
Studded with cheerful homesteads, fair to see,
With garden grace and household symmetry:
How grand the wide-brow'd peasant's lordly mien,
The matron's smile serene!
O happy, happy Land!


The Happy Land!
Half-hid in the dewy grass the mower blithe
Sings to the day-star as he whets his scythe;
Or to his babes at eventide again
Carols as blithe a strain.
O happy, happy Land!
The Happy Land!
Where in the golden sheen of autumn eves
The bright-hair'd children play among the sheaves;
Or gather ripest apples all the day,
As ruddy-cheek'd as they.
O happy, happy Land!
The Happy Land!
The thin smoke curleth through the frosty air;
The light smiles from the windows: hearken there
To the white grandsire's tale of heroes old,
To flame-eyed listeners told!
O happy, happy Land!
O happy, happy Land!
The tender-foliaged alders scarcely shade
Yon loitering lover and glad blushing maid.
O happy Land! the spring that quickens thee
Is human liberty.
O happy, happy Land!