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Bog-land Studies

By J. Barlow: 3rd ed

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But the years wint till Nelly'd more wit than to dhrown of herself in a hole,
An' meself was a size to git work in the fields; yit, fair weather or foul,
Whin a holiday come we'd be out rovin' round on the bog, she an' me,
For we always kep' frinds; and it's lonesome was Nell, since the mother, ye see,


Tuk an' died wan hard winter, worse luck—a bad job for the little colleen—
And her brothers had gone to the States, and her father was fond o' potheen,
And 'ud bide dhrinkin' dhrops down at Byrne's till he hadn't a thought in his head;
So that, barrin' ould Granny an' me, all her company'd quit or was dead.