University of Virginia Library


Incarnate song, thou wingèd flame,
Up in the unbounded sky
Which scarce can hold thy bursting frame,
Embodied ecstasy!
As in the ocean's blue water
Thou sailest on, sweet voyager,
Into eternity;
Yet bring us back the notes of heaven,
To be for earth the living leaven
Which only can refine,
And every clod with breath of God
Will glow and be Divine.
Dear traveller, thy foot is free
And walketh on the wind
By paths thine eye alone can see,
Which leave no track behind;
As though the sunshine of all space
Were, with its joy, in the embrace
Of thy small breast confin'd.
Sing on and in our hearts, and ever
With thy ascension hymn endeavour
To charm away our fears;
Till, lifted thus, we take with us
Thy music through the years.