University of Virginia Library




Whatever Thy will may be,
Lord, let it be done by me.
Oh, give me the joyful strength
That fails not for journey's length;
And the swift, obedient feet
That hasten their tasks to meet;
And the hands that, day by day,
Delight in their work alway;
And the voice that is true to raise
The burden of prayer and praise;
And the eyes that are swift to see,
Because they are toucht of Thee;
And the heart of love to share
Thy little ones' joy and care:
Whatever Thy will may be,
Lord, let it be done by me.


Whatever Thy will may be,
Lord, let it be done in me:


For now Thou hast laid me low
In the mystery of woe;
I am shut from speech and song,
I am weak who was so strong,
And my soul is known of Thee
In her great adversity.
So I clasp Thy feet, and say,
“Thou hast given and taken away.”
I know that I serve Thee so,
In lying all meek and low;
I know Thou wilt deeply bless
In trusting and quietness;
And I cry through the gracious gloom
Of the fig-tree's perisht bloom,
Whatever Thy will may be,
Lord, let it be done in me.