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The history of The Old Testament In verse

With One Hundred and Eighty sculptures: In Two Volumes. Vol. I. From the Creation to the Revolt of the Ten Tribes from the House of David. Vol. II. From that Revolt to the End of the Prophets. Written by Samuel Wesley ... The Cuts done by J. Sturt

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XL. Genesis, Chap. XLVI. XLVII. to Ver. 11.

Jacob with his Family goes into Egypt, Joseph meets him; and presents him, and Five of his Brethren to Pharaoh.

For Zoan's Fields, and deep retentive lay
Old Jacob thro' the Desert takes his way;
Agen he sees his much-lov'd Joseph's Face
Who from his Chariot leaps and runs with Tears to his Embrace:
Then brings to Court the Venerable Sire;
The Nobles press to see him, and admire,
Ev'n Pharaoh not disdains to ask his Age:
Evil and short has been my Pilgrimage,
A Century and Half t'has not surpass'd,
Tho' longer far my Ancestors did last.
He said, and bless'd the King, and from him went,
And Joseph next his Brethren did present;
Five of the Tallest and of graceful Mien,
By Pharaoh not unworthy to be seen:
He asks 'em, what their way of Life had been?
—They—We from our Youth were humble Swains,
And us'd to feed our Flocks in Canaans Plains,
But all our Pastures now are scorch'd and burn'd,
And like Arabia's Sandy Deserts turn'd:
To You, Great Sir! we all for Refuge fly,
Without your Aid, our famish'd Flocks must die,
In Goshens fertile Fields we beg to rest.
The Monarch hears, and smiles, and grants 'em their Request.