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The FREEMAN and the ASS.

Hey! says the Freeman to the humble Ass,
Thou brute contemptuous, dar'st thou eat my grass?
My franchises a right to that can plead,
Therefore I much expect to be obey'd:
This instant let thy needy master know,
Or I shall wreak my wrath on, thee as foe.
Yea, let him know that one from slav'ry freed,
Forbids thee on his common more to feed.
To which the brute, in a most hideous bray,
Thus answer'd, Man leave off thy vicious plea;
By Nature I'm for drudgery design'd,
Tho' thou art free, disdain not my base kind;
Lest, while you me oppress, it comes to pass,
Others may load a Freeman like an Ass.