University of Virginia Library

ODE X. To Licinius Murena.

'Tis best the middle way to keep,
And not decline to either Hand,
Nor launch too far into the Deep,
Nor steer your Course too near the Land.
Who neither wants nor wishes more
Than what befits an even State,
Avoids the Curse of being Poor,
The Plague and Torments of the Great.
On the tall Pine, and stately Tow'r.
Its force the raging Tempest spends;
When Lightnings play, and Thunders roar,
The highest Mountains soonest bends.
The Man, who arms his steady Breast
To stand unmov'd the worst of Ills,
When Fortune frowns, still hopes the best,
And fears the worst, whene'er she smiles.
The Pow'rs above the Seasons guide;
Though now it rains 'twill quickly shine,
Apollo lays his Arms aside,
And tunes his Harp to Lays Divine.
When Clouds grow thick, be bravely wise,
With Patience guard your constant Mind:


But if a merry Gale arise,
Contract your Sails, nor trust the Wind.