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Epitaph, On the Rev. Dr. Drelincourt, Dean of Armagh;

Epitaph, On the Rev. Dr. Drelincourt, Dean of Armagh;

engrav'd on his Monument in the Cathedral Church of Armagh.

Such was the second Drelincourt! a Name
Victorious over Death, and dear to Fame.
The Christian's praise, by diff'rent measures won,
Successive grac'd the Father and the Son:
To Sacred service one his Wealth consign'd;
And one the living treasure of his Mind:


'Tis hard to say whose Talent did excell;
Each was so rich, and each improv'd so well.
Nor was his Charity delay'd till death;
He chose to give, what others but bequeath:
Much tho' he gave, and oft, yet more he meant,
Had life, proportion'd to his will, been lent:
But to complete a scheme so well design'd,
Belongs to her who shar'd his Bed and Mind;
Whose pious sorrows thus to future days
Transmit his Image, and extend his Praise.