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Divine Fancies

Digested into Epigrammes, Meditations, and Observations. By Fra: Quarles

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43. On the Young man in the Gospell.
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43. On the Young man in the Gospell.

How well our Saviour and the landed Youtk
Agreed a little while? And, to say truth,
Had he had will and power in his hand,
To keepe the Law, but as He kept his Land;
No doubt, his soule has found the sweet fruition
Of his owne choyce desires without Petition:
But he must Sell, and Follow; or else, not
Obtaine his heav'n: O now his heav'ns too hot:
He cannot stay; He has no businesse there:
Hee'l rather misse, then buy his heav'n too deare:
When Broth's too hot for hasty hounds, how they
Will licke their scalded lips, and sneake away!