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The teares or lamentations of a sorrowfull Soule

Set foorth by Sir William Leighton

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To God the Sonne.

Great sonne of God, but borne the sonne of man,
One subiect of a double substance fram'd:
wherein nor man-hood lost, nor god-head wan
But of thē both at once one Christ was nam'd
Before all times begot, in time created,
The Lord of Lords, a seruant from retaining,
And yet no former forme thereby abated:
In seruāts forme, the forme of God remaining
Great sonn of God, thē whō there is no greater
No not the father in his great diuinitie,
As God creator and as a man a creature:
[For more and lesse, agree not in infinity.]
Teach me to know how man by God assumed
Ys both, and yet not man by God consumed.