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Philomythie or Philomythologie

wherein Outlandish Birds, Beasts, and Fishes, are taught to speake true English plainely. By Tho: Scot ... The second edition much inlarged

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Man may Man perswade amisse,
But the skill and cunning is,
To rule him right, to cause him do,
What true wisedome longs vnto.
See how the busie Lawyers throng
Twixt Man and Man for right and wrong,
Those Papers, all those bookes are writ,
To reconcile Mans iarring wit.
Pistols, Muskets, Rapiers, Swords,
All the Engines war affords,
Are for Man prepar'd, not hell:
There no foe like Man doth dwell.
“Man for sport baites Lyons, Beares,
“Man alone Man hates, and feares.