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A neaste of vvaspes latelie fovnd out and discouered in the Law-countreys

yealding as sweete hony as some of our English bees [by William Goddard]

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[While Sea-horse gallopps ouer gulfes and sandes]

While Sea-horse gallopps ouer gulfes and sandes
Entending to discouer vnknowne landes
At home hee leaues his marchannt with his wife
Who sailes with hir yet nere adventers life
Nowe on a ruffe waues back his friggot daunceth
Anon t'a vaultie hollowe downe it channceth
Nowe is shee toste; anon turnd o're and ouer:
Vnder nowe; a non shee manlie doth recouer
& thus on lande strannge straightes hee seekes to find
Runing his course soe longe as good's his winde
In hir hee rows; but all's discou'ries mapp
Is writt within the card of hir false lapp.