University of Virginia Library

Þat comli quen hade a prest a konyng man of lore,
þat moche couþe of many & moyses he hiȝt,
to consaile sche him clepud & þe cas him told,
soþliche al þe sweuen þat hire a-niȝt mette.
& as tit as sche had told þe prest tok his bokes,
& sey sone of þat sweuen hou it schuld turne.
he loked on þat comeli quen & curtesli seide,
“Madame, mourne ȝe namore ȝe mow wel seie
þat þe prince of heuen ȝou haþ prestli in mynde,
& socor sendeþ ȝou sone bi þis sweuen i knowe.
þe bestes þat bi-sett ȝou so & ȝour semli douȝter,
& duelfulli to deþe wold haue ȝou don boþe,
þo ar soþli þo segges þat hard ȝou bi-sege,
& don hard here miȝt to destruye ȝou here.
wite ȝe of þe white beres þat waxen seþþe hertes,
& haue þe fourme in here hed of tvo faire chi[l]deren,


& gode crounes of gold on here hedes graiþed,
þe hert þat ȝou helped so hastili wiþ strengþe,
þe lyon & þe lebard to ȝour prisoun ladde,
& alle þe bremest bestes brouȝt [to] ȝour wille,
what þat it tokeneþ telle wol ich sone.
It is a ful kud kniȝt schal come ȝou to help,
& þu[r]th his douȝthi dedes destruye þis werre,
& cacche þe king of spayne þurth his cler strengþe,
& seþþe after is sone þat al þe sorwe is fore,
& put hem in ȝour prison þe proddest of hem alle
schul be buxum at ȝour wille & blinne al þis fare,
& meke hem to ȝour merci þat now be misseproude.
& þat ilke kud kniȝt þat schal þe kome to help,
I not where he schal ȝou to wiue welde,
but i wot wisli he worþ king of þis reaume.
also þat werwolf þat wiþ þe hertes comes,
he is a kud kniȝt & schal be kud wide,
& þurth him, soþli, i se þe king schal be deliuered,
& put out of prisoun & god pes be maked.
his sone & alle oþer schul be ȝour hole frendes,
& schul restore riuedli þe reddour þat was maked.
þurth þilke werwolf ȝe schul wite of ȝoure sone
þat ȝe long haue for-lore leue me for soþe,
& him winne a-ȝen at wille wiþ-inne a schort time.
& redli, of ȝour riȝt arm þat ouer rome streyt,
I se wel þe signifiaunce þis schal þer-of falle;
þi sone schal wedde swiche a wif to weld wiþ al rome,
as kind keper & king i knowe wel þe soþe.
& lelli, of þi lift arm þat ouer spaine lay,
þat bi-tokeneþ treuli as telleþ my bokes,
þat þi douȝti sone schal þi dere douȝter ȝiuen
þe kinges sone of spayne when þe a-cord is maked;
þat sche be ladi of þat lond þi left arm bi-tokeneþ.


now haue i said of ȝour sweuen soþli as wol falle,
& treuly al þis schal be-falle wiþ-inne a schort terme.”